For purposes of section 38, the enhanced oil recovery credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to 15 percent of the taxpayer’s qualified enhanced oil recovery costs for such taxable year.
For purposes of this subsection, the term “reference price” means, with respect to any calendar year, the reference price determined for such calendar year under section 45K(d)(2)(C).
The term “inflation adjustment factor” means, with respect to any calendar year, a fraction the numerator of which is the GNP implicit price deflator for the preceding calendar year and the denominator of which is the GNP implicit price deflator for 1990. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term “GNP implicit price deflator” means the first revision of the implicit price deflator for the gross national product as computed and published by the Secretary of Commerce. Not later than April 1 of any calendar year, the Secretary shall publish the inflation adjustment factor for the preceding calendar year.
A project shall not be treated as a qualified enhanced oil recovery project unless the operator submits to the Secretary (at such times and in such manner as the Secretary provides) a certification from a petroleum engineer that the project meets (and continues to meet) the requirements of subparagraph (A).
For purposes of determining qualified enhanced oil recovery costs, rules similar to the rules of section 49(a)(1), section 49(a)(2), and section 49(b) shall apply.
For purposes of this section, immiscible non-hydrocarbon gas displacement shall be treated as a tertiary recovery method under section 193(b)(3).
Any deduction allowable under this chapter for any costs taken into account in computing the amount of the credit determined under subsection (a) shall be reduced by the amount of such credit attributable to such costs.
For purposes of this subtitle, if a credit is determined under this section for any expenditure with respect to any property, the increase in the basis of such property which would (but for this subsection) result from such expenditure shall be reduced by the amount of the credit so allowed.