

An annulment is a legal procedure that voids a marriage and declares it null from its inception. Unlike divorce, the effect of declaring a marriage void is retroactive, meaning that the marriage was void at the time it was entered into. It...

antenuptial agreement

An antenuptial agreement or a prenuptial agreement is an agreement made between parties before getting married, permitting them to individually retain certain assets during the marriage and after the marriage if divorce arises. If parties...


An appraisal is the process by which the value of an item or property is determined. This is necessary in a variety of contexts. One common instance is in the purchase, sale or refinancing of homes or other real estate. Appraisals are also...


To appraise is to determine the value of an object or piece of property. This is done by an expert called an appraiser, the result of this action called an appraisal. This is necessary in a variety of contexts, such as the purchase, sale or...


An appraiser is an expert hired to examine an object or piece of property to determine its value. This determination is called an appraisal, and is commonly required for the purchase, sale, or refinancing of real estate or to gain insurance...


Appreciate means to increase in value (the opposite of depreciate). It may also mean: to understand or recognize the value or significance of something or someone.

See also: appreciation.

[Last updated in June of...


Appreciation is an increase in an asset’s value, usually due to inflation or other external economic factors (the opposite of depreciation).

In more common parlance, appreciation may also be recognition or understanding of...


Arrearages broadly refers to being in arrears or owing a debt. There are two main uses of the term. One refers to payments in arrears that are meant to occur after they are owed, such as wages paid a week after time is entered or for invoices...


Arrears is defined as debt that has accumulated and that has not yet been paid upon the due date. For instance, if someone falls $5000 behind in paying for their mortgage, then they have built up $5000 in arrears. See also: arrearages.



An asset is something of value owned by an individual or organization. An asset can be physical property like a building or intangible property such as a patent. Assets are an important part of and differ in many areas of law.

