10 CFR § 1045.130 - How does an authorized person derivatively classify matter containing RD, FRD, or TFNI?

§ 1045.130 How does an authorized person derivatively classify matter containing RD, FRD, or TFNI?

(a) Derivative classification of RD or FRD. For RD or FRD, an RD Derivative Classifier makes the derivative classification determination using:

(1) A DOE classification guide or bulletin, a joint DOE-agency classification guide, an agency guide with RD/FRD topics that is within his or her programmatic area of expertise; or

(2) An applicable portion-marked source document.

(b) Derivative classification of TFNI. For TFNI, a person who is trained to derivatively classify matter containing TFNI makes the determination using:

(1) Approved TFNI guidelines;

(2) A DOE classification guide or bulletin, a joint DOE-agency classification guide, an agency guide with RD, FRD, or TFNI topics within his or her programmatic area of expertise; or

(3) An applicable portion-marked source document.

(c) Association and compilation.

(1) RD, FRD, or TFNI classification based on association. If two or more different, unclassified facts when combined in a specific way result in a classified statement, or if two or more different classified facts or unclassified and classified facts when combined in a specific way result in a higher classification level or more restrictive category, then an RD Derivative Classifier may classify or upgrade the matter based on the association. If the matter is to be portion marked, then each portion of the associated information must be marked at the level and category of the association.

(2) RD, FRD, or TFNI classification based on compilation. A large number of often similar unclassified pieces of information or a large number of often similar RD, FRD, or TFNI pieces of information by selection, arrangement, or completeness in matter may add sufficient value to merit classification or to merit classification at a higher level. If there is a classification guide topic that applies to the compilation, an RD Derivative Classifier may classify the information by compilation. In the absence of a classification guide topic that applies, for RD or TFNI, the Director, Office of Classification, may make the determination to classify or upgrade the matter based on compilation. For FRD, the Director, Office of Classification, or any appropriate DoD official (as specified in DoD Instruction 5210.02 or subsequent instructions) may classify or upgrade the matter based on compilation. Matter that is classified as RD, FRD, or TFNI based on compilation is never portion marked.

(d) Use of a classified addendum. When it is important to maximize the amount of information available to the public or to simplify matter handling procedures, the RD, FRD, or TFNI should be segregated into a classified addendum.