10 CFR § 440.12 - State application.

§ 440.12 State application.

(a) To be eligible for financial assistance under this part, a State shall submit an application to DOE in conformity with the requirements of this part not later than 60 days after the date of notice to apply is received from the Support Office Director. After receipt of an application for financial assistance or for approval of an amendment to a State plan, the Support Office Director may request the State to submit within a reasonable period of time any revisions necessary to make the application complete or to bring the application into compliance with the requirements of this part. The Support Office Director shall attempt to resolve any dispute over the application informally and to seek voluntary compliance. If a State fails to submit timely appropriate revisions to complete the application, the Support Office Director may reject the application as incomplete in a written decision, including a statement of reasons, which shall be subject to administrative review under § 440.30 of this part.

(b) Each application shall include:

(1) The name and address of the State agency or office responsible for administering the program;

(2) A copy of the final State plan prepared after notice and a public hearing in accordance with § 440.14(a), except that an application by a local applicant need not include a copy of the final State plan;

(3) The budget for total funds applied for under the Act, which shall include a justification and explanation of any amounts requested for expenditure pursuant to § 440.18(d) for State administration;

(4) The total number of dwelling units proposed to be weatherized with grant funds during the budget period for which assistance is to be awarded—

(i) With financial assistance previously obligated under this part, and

(ii) With the program allocation to the State;

(5) A recommendation that a tribal organization be treated as a local applicant eligible to submit an application pursuant to § 440.13(b), if such a recommendation is to be made;

(6) A monitoring plan which shall indicate the method used by the State to insure the quality of work and adequate financial management control at the subgrantee level;

(7) A training and technical assistance plan which shall indicate how funds for training and technical assistance will be used; and

(8) Any further information which the Secretary finds necessary to determine whether an application meets the requirements of this part.

(c) On or before 60 days from the date that a timely filed application is complete, the Support Office Director shall decide whether DOE shall approve the application. The Support Office Director may—

(1) Approve the application in whole or in part to the extent that the application conforms to the requirements of this part;

(2) Approve the application in whole or in part subject to special conditions designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of this part; or

(3) Disapprove the application if it does not conform to the requirements of this part.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1904-0047)
[49 FR 3629, Jan. 27, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 712, Jan. 4, 1985; 55 FR 41325, Oct. 10, 1990; 58 FR 12529, Mar. 4, 1993; 60 FR 29481, June 5, 1995]