10 CFR § 70.59 - Effluent monitoring reporting requirements.

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§ 70.59 Effluent monitoring reporting requirements.

Within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of each year, and using an appropriate method listed in § 70.5(a), each licensee authorized to possess and use special nuclear material for processing and fuel fabrication, scrap recovery, conversion of uranium hexafluoride, or in a uranium enrichment facility shall submit a report addressed: ATTN: Document Control Desk, Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, with a copy to the appropriate NRC Regional Office shown in appendix D to part 20 of this chapter. The report must specify the quantity of each of the principal radionuclides released to unrestricted areas in liquid and gaseous effluents during the previous six months of operation, and such other information as the Commission may require to estimate maximum potential annual radiation doses to the public resulting from effluent releases. If quantities of radioactive materials released during the reporting periods are significantly above the licensee's design objectives previously reviewed as part of the licensing action, the report must cover this specifically. On the basis of these reports and any additional information the Commission may obtain from the licensee or others, the Commission may from time to time require the licensee to take such action as the Commission deems appropriate.

[68 FR 58817, Oct. 10, 2003]