10 CFR § 75.6 - Reporting requirements for facilities, locations, and nuclear material outside facilities.

§ 75.6 Reporting requirements for facilities, locations, and nuclear material outside facilities.

(a) Except where otherwise specified, all communications concerning the regulations in this Part shall be addressed to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Written communications may be delivered in person to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission at One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852-2738 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. eastern time. If a submittal deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday, the next Federal working day becomes the official due date.

(b) Each applicant, licensee, certificate holder, or possessor of nuclear material outside facilities, who has been given notice by the NRC in writing that it is required to report under Safeguards Agreements for its facility, nuclear material outside facilities, or location, shall make its initial and subsequent reports, including attachments, in an appropriate format defined in the instructions. The DOE/NRC forms and their instructions may be accessed at https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/forms. The AP-A and associated forms may be accessed at www.AP.gov.

(c) Facilities—Specific information regarding facilities is to be reported as follows:

Item Section Manner of delivery
Initial Inventory Report 75.32 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form-742C.
Inventory Change Reports 75.34 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form-741 and Form-740M.
Material Status Reports 75.35 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form-742, Form-742C, and Form-740M.
Special Reports 75.36 To the NRC Headquarters Operations Center by telephone at the numbers specified in appendix A to part 73 of this chapter.
Advance Notification of Import and Exports or of Domestic Transfers 75.43 In writing to the NRC, as specified in 75.6(a), 75.44, and 75.45.
Facility information 75.10(d) As specified by printed instructions for IAEA Design Information Questionnaire forms.
Site information 75.10(e) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-A and associated forms.

(d) Locations—Specific information regarding locations is to be reported as follows:

Item Section Manner of delivery
Fuel cycle-related research and development information 75.11(b)(1) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.
Fuel cycle-related manufacturing and construction information 75.11(b)(2) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.
Mines and concentration plant information 75.11(b)(3) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.
Impure source material possession information 75.11(b)(4) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.
Imports and exports of source material for non-nuclear end uses 75.11(b)(5) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.
IAEA safeguards-exempted and terminated nuclear material information 75.11(b)(6) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.
Imports and exports of non-nuclear material and equipment 75.11(b)(7) As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms.

(e) Nuclear material outside facilities—Specific information regarding nuclear material outside facilities in the U.S. Caribbean Territories is to be reported as follows:

Item Section Manner of delivery
Initial Inventory Report 75.32 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form-742C and DOE/NRC Form 740M.
Inventory Change Reports 75.34 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form-741 and DOE/NRC Form-740M.
Material Status Reports 75.35 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form-742, DOE/NRC Form-742C, and DOE/NRC Form-740M.
Special Reports 75.36 To the NRC Headquarters Operations Center (commercial telephone number 301-816-5100).
Advance Notification of Import and Exports or of Domestic Transfers 75.43 In writing to the NRC, as specified in 75.6(a), 75.43, 75.44, and 75.45.
Nuclear Material Outside Facilities Information 75.12 As specified by printed instructions for preparation of DOE/NRC Form 740M.
[73 FR 78609, Dec. 23, 2008, as amended at 80 FR 45844, Aug. 3, 2015; 83 FR 19610, May 4, 2018, 85 FR 65664, Oct. 16, 2020]