11 CFR § None - § 9008.3 Eligibility for payments; registration and reporting.

§ 9008.3 Eligibility for payments; registration and reporting.

(a) Eligibility requirements.

(1) To qualify for entitlement under 11 CFR 9008.4 and 9008.5, the national committee of a major or minor political party shall establish a convention committee pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section and shall file an application statement pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this section. The convention committee, in conjunction with the national committee, shall file an agreement to comply with the conditions set forth at paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(2) The national committee shall establish a convention committee which shall be responsible for conducting the day to day arrangements and operations of that party's presidential nominating convention. The convention committee shall register with the Commission as a political committee pursuant to 11 CFR part 102. The convention committee shall receive all public funds to which the national committee is entitled under 11 CFR 9008.4 and 9008.5 and all private contributions made for the purpose of defraying convention expenses. All expenditures on behalf of the national committee for convention expenses shall be made by the convention committee.

(3) The national committee shall file with the Commission an application statement. Any changes in the information provided in the application statement must be reported to the Commission within 10 days following the change. The application statement shall include:

(i) The name and address of the national committee;

(ii) The name and address of the convention committee and of the officers of that committee;

(iii) The name of the city where the convention is to be held and the approximate dates;

(iv) The name, address, and position of the convention committee officers designated by the national committee to sign requests for payments; and

(v) The name and address of the depository of the convention committee.

(4) The convention committee shall, by letter to the Commission, agree to the conditions set forth in paragraph (a)(4) (i) through (viii) of this section. This agreement shall also be binding upon the national committee.

(i) The convention committee shall agree to comply with the applicable expenditure limitation set forth at 11 CFR 9008.8.

(ii) The convention committee shall agree to file convention reports as required under 52 U.S.C. 30105 and 11 CFR 9008.3(b).

(iii) The convention committee shall agree to establish one or more accounts into which all public funds received under 11 CFR 9008.4 and 9008.5 must be deposited and from which all expenditures for convention expenses must be made. Such account(s) shall contain only public funds except as provided in 11 CFR 9008.6(a)(3).

(iv) The convention committee shall agree to keep and furnish to the Commission all documentation of convention disbursements made by the committee as required under 11 CFR 9008.10. The convention committee has the burden of proving that disbursements by the convention committee were for purposes of defraying convention expenses as set forth at 11 CFR 9008.7(a)(4).

(v) The convention committee shall agree to furnish to the Commission any books, records (including bank records for all accounts), a copy of any contract which the national committee enters into with a host committee or convention city or vendor, a copy of documentation provided by commercial vendors in accordance with 11 CFR 9008.9(b), and any other information that the Commission may request. If the convention committee maintains or uses computerized information containing any of the categories of data listed in 11 CFR 9008.10(h)(1) (i) through (iv), the convention committee will provide computerized magnetic media, such as magnetic tapes or magnetic diskettes, containing the computerized information at the times specified in 11 CFR 9008.10(h)(2) that meet the requirements of 11 CFR 102.9 and 9008.10 (a) and (b). Upon request, documentation explaining the computer system's software capabilities shall be provided, and such personnel as are necessary to explain the operation of the computer system's software and the computerized information prepared or maintained by the convention committee shall also be made available.

(vi) The convention committee shall agree to permit an audit and examination pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 9008(g) and 11 CFR 9008.11 of all convention expenses; to facilitate such audit by making available office space, records, and such personnel as is necessary to the conduct of the audit and examination; and to pay any amounts required to be paid under 26 U.S.C. 9008(h) and 11 CFR 9008.12.

(vii) The convention committee shall agree to comply with the applicable requirements of 52 U.S.C. 30101 et seq., 26 U.S.C. 9008, and the Commission's regulations at 11 CFR parts 100-116 and 9008.

(viii) The convention committee shall pay any civil penalties included in a conciliation agreement or imposed under 52 U.S.C. 30109.

(5) The application statement and agreement may be filed at any time after June 1 of the calendar year preceding the year in which a Presidential nominating convention of the political party is held, but no later than the first day of the convention.

(b) Registration and reports by political parties—(1) Registration.

(i) Each convention committee established by a national committee under paragraph (a)(2) of this section shall register with the Commission on FEC Form 1 as a political committee pursuant to 11 CFR part 102 and shall file reports with the Commission as required at paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Each report filed by the committee shall contain the information required by 11 CFR part 104.

(ii) Each convention committee established by a national committee under paragraph (a)(2) of this section shall submit to the Commission a copy of any and all written contracts or agreements that the convention committee has entered into with the city, county, or State hosting the convention, a host committee, or a municipal fund, including subsequent written modifications to previous contracts or agreements. Each such contract, agreement or modification shall be filed with the report covering the reporting period in which the contract or agreement or modification is executed.

(iii) A State party committee or a subordinate committee of a State party committee which only assists delegates and alternates to the convention from that State with travel expenses and arrangements, or which sponsors caucuses, receptions, and similar activities at the convention site, need not register or report under this section.

(2) Quarterly and post convention reports; content and time of filing. Each committee required to register under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall file reports as follows:

(i) The first quarterly report shall be filed on FEC Form 4 no later than 15 days following the end of the calendar quarter in which the committee either receives payment under 11 CFR 9008.6, or for parties which do not accept public funds, no later than 15 days after the calendar quarter in which the committee receives contributions or makes expenditures to defray convention expenses. The committee shall continue to file reports on a quarterly basis no later than the 15th day following the close of each calendar quarter, except that the report for the final calendar quarter of the year shall be filed on January 31 of the following calendar year. Quarterly reports shall be completed as of the close of the quarter and shall continue to be filed until the committee ceases activity in connection with that party's presidential nominating convention.

(ii) Any quarterly report due within 20 days before or after the convention shall be suspended and the committee shall in lieu of such quarterly report file a post convention report. The post convention report shall be filed on the earlier of: 60 days following the last day the convention is officially in session; or 20 days prior to the presidential general election. The post convention report shall be complete as of 15 days prior to the date on which the report must be filed.

(c) Cessation of activity. A convention committee which has received payments under 11 CFR 9008.6 shall cease activity no later than 24 months after the convention, unless the committee has been granted an extension of time. The Commission may grant any extension of time it deems appropriate upon request of the committee at least 30 days prior to the close of the 24 month period.

[59 FR 33616, June 29, 1994, as amended at 68 FR 47416, Aug. 8, 2003; 79 FR 77851, Dec. 29, 2014]