12 CFR § 1011.50 - Advertising disclaimers; subdivisions registered and effective with the Bureau.

§ 1011.50 Advertising disclaimers; subdivisions registered and effective with the Bureau.

(a) The following disclaimer statement shall be displayed below the text of all printed material and literature used in connection with the sale or lease of lots in a subdivision for which an effective Statement or Record is on file with the Director: “Obtain the Property Report required by Federal law and read it before signing anything. No Federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property.” If the material or literature consists of more than one page, it shall appear at the bottom of the front page. The disclaimer statement shall be set in type of at least ten point font.

(b) If the advertising is of a classified type; is not more than five inches long and not more than one column in print wide, the disclaimer statement may be set in type of at least six point font.

(c) This disclaimer statement need not appear on billboards, on normal size matchbook folders or business cards which are used in advertising nor in advertising of a classified type which is less than one column in print wide and is less than five inches long.

(d) A developer who is required by any state, or states, to display an advertising disclaimer in the same location, or one of equal prominence, as that of the Federal disclaimer, may combine the wording of the disclaimers. All of the wording of the Federal disclaimer must be included in the resulting combined disclaimer.