12 CFR § 1081.400 - Preliminary findings and conclusions of the hearing officer.

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§ 1081.400 Preliminary findings and conclusions of the hearing officer.

(a) Time period for filing preliminary findings and conclusions. Subject to paragraph (b) of this section, the hearing officer must file preliminary findings and conclusions no later than 90 days after the deadline for filing post-hearing responsive briefs pursuant to § 1081.305(b) and in no event later than 360 days after filing of the notice of charges.

(b) Extension of deadlines. In the event the hearing officer presiding over the proceeding determines that it will not be possible to issue preliminary findings and conclusions within the time periods specified in paragraph (a) of this section, the hearing officer will submit a written request to the Director for an extension of the time period for filing the preliminary findings and conclusions. This request must be filed no later than 28 days prior to the expiration of the time for issuance of preliminary findings and conclusions. The request will be served on all parties in the proceeding, who may file with the Director briefs in support of or in opposition to the request. Any such briefs must be filed within seven days of service of the hearing officer's request and may not exceed five pages. If the Director determines that additional time is necessary or appropriate in the public interest, the Director will issue an order extending the time period for filing preliminary findings and conclusions.

(c) Content.

(1) Preliminary findings and conclusions must be based on a consideration of the whole record relevant to the issues decided, and be supported by reliable, probative, and substantial evidence. Preliminary findings and conclusions must include a statement of findings of fact (with specific page references to principal supporting items of evidence in the record) and conclusions of law, as well as the reasons or basis therefore, as to all the material issues of fact, law, or discretion presented on the record and the appropriate order, sanction, relief or denial thereof. Preliminary findings and conclusions must also state that a notice of appeal may be filed within 14 days after service of the preliminary findings and conclusions and include a statement that, unless a party timely files and perfects a notice of appeal of the preliminary findings and conclusions, the Director may adopt the preliminary findings and conclusions as the final decision and order of the Bureau without further opportunity for briefing or argument.

(2) Consistent with paragraph (a) of this section, when more than one claim for relief is presented in an adjudication proceeding, or when multiple parties are involved, the hearing officer may direct the entry of preliminary findings and conclusions as to one or more but fewer than all of the claims or parties only upon an express determination that there is no just reason for delay and upon an express direction for the entry of preliminary findings and conclusions.

(d) By whom made. Preliminary findings and conclusions must be made and filed by the hearing officer who presided over the hearings, except when that hearing officer has become unavailable to the Bureau.

(e) Reopening of proceeding by hearing officer; termination of jurisdiction.

(1) At any time from the close of the hearing record pursuant to § 1081.304(c) until the filing of the hearing officer's preliminary findings and conclusions, a hearing officer may reopen the proceeding for the receipt of further evidence for good cause shown.

(2) Except for the correction of clerical errors or pursuant to an order of remand from the Director, the jurisdiction of the hearing officer is terminated upon the filing of the hearing officer's preliminary findings and conclusions with respect to those issues decided pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.

(f) Filing, service, and publication. Upon filing by the hearing officer of preliminary findings and conclusions, the Office of Administrative Adjudication will promptly transmit the preliminary findings and conclusions to the Director and serve them upon the parties.