12 CFR § 1209.23 - Commencement of proceeding and contents of notice of charges.

§ 1209.23 Commencement of proceeding and contents of notice of charges.

Proceedings under subpart C of this part are commenced by the Director by the issuance of a notice of charges, as defined in § 1209.3(p), that must be served upon a respondent. A notice of charges shall state all of the following:

(a) The legal authority for the proceeding and for FHFA's jurisdiction over the proceeding;

(b) A statement of the matters of fact or law showing that FHFA is entitled to relief;

(c) A proposed order or prayer for an order granting the requested relief;

(d) Information concerning the nature of the proceeding and pertinent procedural matters, including: the requirement that the hearing shall be held in the District of Columbia; the presiding officer will set the date and location for an evidentiary hearing in a scheduling order to be issued not less than 30 days or more than 60 days after service of the notice of charges; contact information for FHFA enforcement counsel and the presiding officer, if known; submission information for filings and appearances, the time within which to request a hearing, and citation to FHFA Rules of Practice and Procedure; and

(e) Information concerning proper filing of the answer, including the time within which to file the answer as required by law or regulation, a statement that the answer shall be filed with the presiding officer or with FHFA as specified therein, and the address for filing the answer (and request for a hearing, if applicable).