12 CFR § 1209.37 - Pre-hearing submissions.

§ 1209.37 Pre-hearing submissions.

(a) General. Within the time set by the presiding officer, but in no case later than 10 days before the start of the hearing, each party shall serve on every other party the serving party's:

(1) Pre-hearing statement;

(2) Final list of witnesses to be called to testify at the hearing, including name and address of each witness, and a short summary of the expected testimony of each witness;

(3) List of the exhibits to be introduced at the hearing along with a copy of each exhibit; and

(4) Stipulations of fact, if any.

(b) Effect of failure to comply. No witness may testify and no exhibit may be introduced at the hearing that is not listed in the pre-hearing submissions pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, except for good cause shown.