12 CFR § 1408.6 - Demand for payment.

§ 1408.6 Demand for payment.

(a) A total of three progressively stronger written demands at not more than 30-day intervals should normally be made upon a debtor, unless a response or other information indicates that additional written demands would either be unnecessary or futile. When necessary to protect the Government's interest, written demands may be preceded by other appropriate actions under Federal law, including immediate referral for litigation and/or administrative offset.

(b) The initial demand for payment shall be in writing and shall inform the debtor of the following:

(1) The amount of the debt, the date it was incurred, and the facts upon which the determination of indebtedness was made;

(2) The payment due date, which shall be 30 calendar days from the date of mailing or hand delivery of the initial demand for payment;

(3) The right of the debtor to inspect and copy the records of the agency related to the claim or to receive copies if personal inspection is impractical. The debtor shall be informed that the debtor may be assessed for the cost of copying the documents in accordance with § 1408.7;

(4) The right of the debtor to obtain a review of the Corporation's determination of indebtedness;

(5) The right of the debtor to offer to enter into a written agreement with the agency to repay the amount of the claim. The debtor shall be informed that the acceptance of such an agreement is discretionary with the agency;

(6) That charges for interest, penalties, and administrative costs will be assessed against the debtor, in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 3717, if payment is not received by the payment due date;

(7) That if the debtor has not entered into an agreement with the Corporation to pay the debt, has not requested the Corporation to review the debt, or has not paid the debt by the payment due date, the Corporation intends to collect the debt by all legally available means, which may include initiating legal action against the debtor, referring the debt to a collection agency for collection, collecting the debt by offset, or asking other Federal agencies for assistance in collecting the debt by offset;

(8) The name and address of the Corporation official to whom the debtor shall send all correspondence relating to the debt; and

(9) Other information, as may be appropriate.

(c) If, prior to, during, or after completion of the demand cycle, the Corporation determines to collect the debt by either administrative or salary offset, the Corporation shall follow, as applicable, the requirements for a Notice of Intent to Collect by Administrative Offset or a Notice of Intent to Collect by Salary Offset set forth in § 1408.22.

(d) If no response to the initial demand for payment is received by the payment due date, the Corporation shall take further action under this part, under the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966, as amended, under the joint regulations (4 CFR parts 101-105), or under any other applicable State or Federal law. These actions may include reports to credit bureaus, referrals to collection agencies, termination of contracts, debarment, and salary or administrative offset.