12 CFR § 217.405 - Method 2 score.

§ 217.405 Method 2 score.

(a) General. A global systemically important BHC's method 2 score is equal to:

(1) The sum of:

(i) The global systemically important BHC's systemic indicator scores for the nine systemic indicators set forth Table 1 of this section, as determined under paragraph (b) of this section; and

(ii) The global systemically important BHC's short-term wholesale funding score, calculated pursuant to § 217.406.

(b) Systemic indicator score. A global systemically important BHC's score for a systemic indicator is equal to:

(1) The amount of the systemic indicator, as reported by the bank holding company as of December 31 of the previous calendar year, expressed in billions of dollars;

(2) Multiplied by the coefficient corresponding to the systemic indicator set forth in Table 1 of this section.

Table 1 to § 217.405—Coefficients for Systemic Indicators

Category Systemic indicator Coefficient value
Size Total exposures 4.423
Interconnectedness Intra-financial system assets 12.007
Intra-financial system liabilities 12.490
Securities outstanding 9.056
Complexity Notional amount of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives 0.155
Trading and available-for-sale (AFS) securities 30.169
Level 3 assets 161.177
Cross-jurisdictional activity Cross-jurisdictional claims 9.277
Cross-jurisdictional liabilities 9.926
[Reg. Q, 80 FR 49105, Aug. 14, 2015, as amended at 81 FR 90954, Dec. 16, 2016]