12 CFR § 219.4 - Exceptions.

§ 219.4 Exceptions.

A financial institution is not entitled to reimbursement under this subpart for costs incurred in assembling or providing financial records or information related to:

(a) Security interests, bankruptcy claims, debt collection. Any financial records provided as an incident to perfecting a security interest, proving a claim in bankruptcy, or otherwise collecting on a debt owing either to the financial institution itself or in its role as a fiduciary.

(b) Government loan programs. Financial records that are necessary to permit the appropriate government authority to carry out its responsibilities under a government loan, loan guaranty or loan insurance program.

(c) Nonidentifiable information. Financial records that are not identified with or identifiable as being derived from the financial records of a particular customer.

(d) Financial supervisory agencies. Financial records disclosed to a financial supervisory agency in the exercise of its supervisory, regulatory, or monetary functions with respect to a financial institution.

(e) Internal Revenue summons. Financial records disclosed in accordance with procedures authorized by the Internal Revenue Code.

(f) Federally required reports. Financial records required to be reported in accordance with any federal statute or rule promulgated thereunder.

(g) Government civil or criminal litigation. Financial records sought by a government authority under the Federal Rules of Civil or Criminal Procedure or comparable rules of other courts in connection with litigation to which the government authority and the customer are parties.

(h) Administrative agency subpoenas. Financial records sought by a government authority pursuant to an administrative subpoena issued by an administrative law judge in an adjudicatory proceeding subject to 5 U.S.C. 554, and to which the government authority and the customer are parties.

(i) Investigation of financial institution or its noncustomer. Financial records sought by a government authority in connection with a lawful proceeding, investigation, examination, or inspection directed at the financial institution in possession of such records, or at an entity that is not a customer as defined in § 219.2 of this part.

(j) General Accounting Office requests. Financial records sought by the General Accounting Office pursuant to an authorized proceeding, investigation, examination, or audit directed at a government authority.

(k) Federal Housing Finance Board requests. Financial records or information sought by the Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB) or any of the Federal home loan banks in the exercise of the FHFB's authority to extend credit to financial institutions or others.

(l) Department of Veterans Affairs. The disclosure of the name and address of any customer to the Department of Veterans Affairs where such disclosure is necessary to, and used solely for, the proper administration of benefits programs under laws administered by that Department.

[Reg. S, 61 FR 29640, June 12, 1996]