12 CFR § 345.46 - Public engagement.

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§ 345.46 Public engagement.

(a) In general. The FDIC encourages communication between members of the public and banks, including through members of the public submitting written public comments regarding community credit needs and opportunities as well as a bank's record of helping to meet community credit needs. The FDIC will take these comments into account in connection with the bank's next scheduled CRA examination.

(b) Submission of public comments. Members of the public may submit public comments regarding community credit needs and a bank's CRA performance by submitting comments to the FDIC at CRACommentCollector@fdic.gov or to the address of the appropriate FDIC regional office found at https://www.fdic.gov/resources/bankers/community-reinvestment-act/cra-regional-contacts-list.html.

(c) Timing of public comments. If the FDIC receives a public comment before the close date of a bank's CRA examination, the public comment will be considered in connection with that CRA examination. If the FDIC receives a public comment after the close date of a bank's CRA examination, it will be considered in connection with the bank's subsequent CRA examination.

(d) Distribution of public comments. The FDIC will forward all public comments received regarding a bank's CRA performance to the bank.