12 CFR § 605.501 - Information Security Officer.

§ 605.501 Information Security Officer.

(a) The Information Security Officer of the Farm Credit Administration shall be responsible for implementation and oversight of the information security program and procedures adopted by the Agency pursuant to the Executive order. This officer shall be the recipient of questions, suggestions, and complaints regarding all elements of this program and shall be solely responsible for changes to it and for the assurance that it is at all times consistent with the Executive order and ISOO directive.

(b) The Information Security Officer shall be the Farm Credit Administration's official contact for requests for declassification of materials submitted under the Executive order, regardless of the point of origin of such requests, and shall assure that such requests for records in the Farm Credit Administration's possession that were originated by another agency shall be forwarded to the originating agency. The Farm Credit Administration shall include a copy of the records requested together with its recommendation for action. Upon receipt, the originating agency shall process the request in accordance with 32 CFR 2001.33(a)(2)(i). Upon request, the originating agency shall communicate its declassification determination to the Farm Credit Administration. The Farm Credit Administration shall inform the requester of the determination within 1 year from the date of receipt, except in unusual circumstances. If an appeal is made on a denial of a mandatory declassification review request, the originating agency's appellate authority shall normally make a determination within 30 working days following the receipt of an appeal. If additional time is required to make a determination, the originating appellate authority shall notify the requester of the additional time needed and provide the requester with the reason for extension. The originating agency's appellate authority shall notify the requester in writing of the final determination and of the reasons for any denial. Such officer shall also assure that requests for declassification submitted under the Freedom of Information Act are handled in accordance with that Act.

[49 FR 9859, Mar. 16, 1984, as amended at 71 FR 54900, Sept. 20, 2006]