12 CFR § 630.3 - Publishing and filing the report to investors.

§ 630.3 Publishing and filing the report to investors.

(a) The disclosure entities shall jointly publish the following reports in order to provide meaningful information pertaining to the financial condition and results of operations of the System to investors and potential investors in FCS debt obligations and other users of the report:

(1) An annual report to investors within 75 calendar days after the end of each fiscal year;

(2) A quarterly report to investors within 45 calendar days after the end of each quarter, except for the quarter that coincides with the end of the fiscal year.

(3) Interim reports, as required by the Funding Corporation's written policies and procedures, disclosing significant events or material changes in information occurring since the most recently published report to investors.

(b) Each report to investors shall present Systemwide combined financial statements and related footnotes deemed appropriate for the purpose of the report to provide investors with the most meaningful presentation pertaining to the financial condition and results of operations of the System.

(c) All items of essentially the same character as items required to be reported in the reports of condition and performance pursuant to part 621 of this chapter shall be prepared in accordance with the rules set forth in part 621 of this chapter.

(d) Each report to investors shall contain the information required by subparts B and C of this part, as applicable, and such other information as is necessary to make the required statements, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading.

(e) Information in any part of the report may be referenced or incorporated in answer or partial answer to any other item of the report. Information required by this part may be presented in any order deemed suitable by the Funding Corporation.

(f) Information in documents prepared for investors in connection with the offering of debt securities issued through the Funding Corporation may be incorporated by reference in the annual and quarterly reports in answer or partial answer to any item required in the reports under this part. A complete description of any offering documents incorporated by reference must be clearly identified in the report (e.g., Federal Farm Credit Banks Consolidated System-wide Bonds and Discount Notes—Offering Circular issued on [insert date]). Offering documents incorporated by reference in either an annual or quarterly report prepared under this part must be filed with the Farm Credit Administration according to our instructions either prior to or at the time of submission of the report under paragraph (h) of this section. Any offering document incorporated by reference is subject to the delivery and availability requirements set forth in § 630.4(a)(5) and (a)(6).

(g) The report shall include a statement in a prominent location that Systemwide debt securities and consolidated bank debt obligations are joint and several liabilities of individual banks and that copies of each bank's recent periodic reports to shareholders are available upon request. The report shall also include addresses and telephone numbers where copies of the report to investors and the periodic reports of individual banks can be obtained. Copies of the report to investors shall be available for public inspection at the Funding Corporation.

(h) Complete copies of the report must be filed with the Farm Credit Administration according to our instructions. All copies must comply with the requirements of § 630.5 of this part.

[59 FR 46724, Sept. 12, 1994, as amended at 62 FR 15094, Mar. 31, 1997; 71 FR 76121, Dec. 20, 2006]