12 CFR § 746.110 - Administration of the appeal.

§ 746.110 Administration of the appeal.

(a) Conduct of appeal. Except as otherwise provided in § 746.111, the following procedures shall govern the conduct of an appeal to the Board:

(1) Review based on written record. The appeal of a material supervisory determination shall be entirely based on the written record.

(2) Submission of written materials. The Board or the Special Counsel to the General Counsel may request additional information to be provided in writing from either of the parties within 15 calendar days after the filing of an appeal, any amendments or supplementary information to the appeal documents by the insured credit union, or any responsive materials by the program office, whichever is later. The parties must submit the requested information to the Board or the Special Counsel within 15 calendar days of receiving a request for additional information.

(b) Decision. The Board shall issue a decision within 90 calendar days, unless there is an oral hearing, from the date of receipt of an appeal by the Secretary of the Board. The decision by the Board shall be in writing, stating the reasons for the decision, and shall constitute a final agency action for purposes of chapter 7 of title 5 of the United States Code. Failure by the Board to issue a decision on an appeal within the 90-day period, unless there is an oral hearing, shall be deemed to be a denial of the appeal.

(c) Publication. The Board shall publish its decisions on NCUA's Web site with appropriate redactions to protect confidential or exempt information. In cases where redaction is insufficient to prevent improper disclosure, published decisions may be presented in summary form. Published decisions may be cited as precedent. Publication shall include a synopsis of each appeal and a summary of the final result.