13 CFR § 108.2002 - Eligibility of SSBICs to apply for Operational Assistance grants.

§ 108.2002 Eligibility of SSBICs to apply for Operational Assistance grants.

An SSBIC is eligible to apply for an Operational Assistance grant if:

(a) It intends to increase its Regulatory Capital, as in effect on December 21, 2000, and to make Low-Income Investments in the amount of such increase;

(b) It intends to raise binding commitments for contributions in cash or in-kind, and/or to purchase an annuity, in an amount not less than 30 percent of the intended increase in its Regulatory Capital described in paragraph (a) of this section; and

(c) It has a plan describing how it intends to use the requested grant funds to provide Operational Assistance to Smaller Enterprises in which it has made or expects to make Low-Income Investments after December 21, 2000.

[67 FR 68503, Nov. 12, 2002]