13 CFR § 120.520 - Purchase of 7(a) loan guarantees.

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§ 120.520 Purchase of 7(a) loan guarantees.

(a) When SBA will purchase—(1) For loans approved on or after May 14, 2007. A Lender may demand in writing that SBA honor its guarantee if the Borrower is in default on any installment for more than 60 calendar days (or less if SBA agrees) and the default has not been cured, provided all business personal property securing the defaulted SBA loan has been liquidated. A Lender may also submit a request for purchase of a defaulted 7(a) loan when a Borrower files for federal bankruptcy once a period of at least 60 days has elapsed since the last full installment payment. If a Borrower cures a default before a Lender requests purchase by SBA, the Lender's right to request purchase on that default lapses. SBA considers liquidation of business personal property collateral to be completed when a Lender has exhausted all prudent and commercially reasonable efforts to collect upon these assets. In addition, SBA, in its sole discretion, may purchase the guaranteed portion of a loan at any time whether in default or not, with or without the request from a Lender.

(2) For loans approved before May 14, 2007. The regulations applicable to the time that a Lender may make demand for purchase that were in effect immediately prior to this date will govern such loans.

(b) Documentation for purchase. SBA will not purchase its guaranteed portion of a loan from a Lender unless the Lender has submitted to SBA documentation that SBA deems sufficient to allow SBA to determine whether purchase of the guarantee is warranted under § 120.524.

(c) Purchase of loans sold in Secondary Market. When the Lender has sold the guaranteed portion of a loan in the Secondary Market, under subpart F of this part, Lenders must perform all necessary servicing and liquidation actions for such loan even after SBA has purchased the guaranteed portion of such loan from a Registered Holder (as that term is defined in § 120.600(i)). In the event that SBA purchases its guaranteed portion of such a loan from the Registered Holder, Lenders must provide SBA with a loan status report within 15 business days of such purchase. This report should include but not be limited to, a status report on the borrower and current condition of the collateral, plans for any type of loan workout or loan restructuring, existing liquidation activities including the sale of loan collateral, or the status of ongoing foreclosure proceedings. The report should accompany requested documentation that SBA deems sufficient to be able to review the Lender's administration of the loan under § 120.524. A Lender's failure to provide sufficient documentation may constitute a material failure to comply with SBA requirements under § 120.524(a)(1), and may lead to initiation of an action for recovery from the Lender of all or some of the moneys SBA paid to a Registered Holder on a guarantee. SBA will also evaluate the Lender's continued participation in the Secondary Market and may restrict further sale of guaranteed portions into the Secondary Market until SBA determines that the Lender has provided sufficient documentation for purchases.

(d) No waiver of SBA's rights. Purchase by SBA of the guaranteed portion of a loan, or of a portion of SBA's guarantee of a loan, either through a negotiated agreement with a Lender or otherwise, does not waive any of SBA's rights to recover from the responsible Lender any money paid on the guarantee based upon the occurrence of any of the events set forth in § 120.524(a) in connection with that loan.

[72 FR 18360, Apr. 12, 2007]