13 CFR § 120.810 - Applications for certification as a CDC.

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§ 120.810 Applications for certification as a CDC.

(a) An applicant for certification as a CDC must apply to the SBA District Office serving the jurisdiction in which the applicant has or proposes to locate its headquarters (see § 101.103 of this chapter).

(b) The applicant must apply for an Area of Operations. The applicant's proposed Area of Operations must include the entire State in which the applicant is incorporated, and may include Local Economic Areas. An applicant may not apply to cover an area as a Multi-State CDC.

(c) The applicant must demonstrate that it satisfies the CDC certification and operational requirements in §§ 120.820, and 120.822 through 120.824. The applicant also must include an operating budget, approved by the applicant's Board of Directors, which demonstrates the required financial ability (as described in § 120.825), and a plan to meet CDC operational requirements (without specializing in a particular industry) in §§ 120.821, and 120.826 through 120.830.

(d) The District Office will forward the application and its recommendation to the D/FA, who will make the final decision. SBA will notify the CDC in writing of its decision, and, if the petition is declined, the reasons for the decision.

[68 FR 57980, Oct. 7, 2003]