14 CFR § 34.2 - Abbreviations.

§ 34.2 Abbreviations.

The abbreviations used in this part have the following meanings in both upper and lower case:

CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO Carbon monoxide
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration, United States Department of Transportation
g Gram(s)
HC Hydrocarbon(s)
HP Horsepower
hr Hour(s)
H2O Water
kg Kilogram(s)
kJ Kilojoule(s)
kN Kilonewton(s)
kW Kilowatt(s)
lbf Pound force
LTO Landing and takeoff
m Meter(s)
mg Milligram(s)
µg Microgram(s)
min Minute(s)
MJ Megajoule(s)
NOX Oxides of nitrogen
nvPM Non-volatile particulate matter
nvPMmass Non-volatile particulate matter mass
nvPMMC Non-volatile particulate matter mass concentration
nvPMnum Non-volatile particulate matter number
Pa Pascal(s)
rO Rated output
rPR Rated pressure ratio
sec Second(s)
SP Shaft power
SN Smoke number
T Temperature in degrees Kelvin
TIM Time in mode
°C Degrees Celsius
% Percent
[Doc. No. FAA-2023-2434, Amdt. 34-7, 89 FR 31085, Apr. 24, 2024]