14 CFR Appendix D to Part 135 - Appendix D to Part 135—Airplane Flight Recorder Specification

Appendix D to Part 135—Airplane Flight Recorder Specification
Parameters Range Accuracy sensor input to DFDR readout Sampling interval (per second) resolution 4 read out
Time (GMT or Frame Counter) (range 0 to 4095, sampled 1 per frame) 24 Hrs ±0.125% Per Hour 0.25 (1 per 4 seconds) 1 sec.
Altitude −1,000 ft to max certificated altitude of aircraft ±100 to ±700 ft (See Table 1, TSO-C51a) 1 5′ to 35′ 1.
Airspeed 50 KIAS to Vso, and Vso to 1.2 VD ±5%, ±3% 1 1kt
Heading 360° ±2° 1 0.5°
Normal Acceleration (Vertical) −3g to + 6g ±1% of max range excluding datum error of ±5% 8 0.01g
Pitch Attitude ±75° ±2° 1 0.5°
Roll Attitude ±180° ±2° 1 0.5°.
Radio Transmitter Keying On-Off (Discrete) 1
Thrust/Power on Each Engine Full range forward ±2% 1 (per engine) 0.2% 2.
Trailing Edge Flap or Cockpit Control Selection Full range or each discrete position ±3° or as pilot's indicator 0.5 0.5% 2.
Leading Edge Flap on or Cockpit Control Selection Full range or each discrete position ±3° or as pilot's indicator 0.5 0.5% 2.
Thrust Reverser Position Stowed, in transit, and reverse (discretion) 1 (per 4 seconds per engine)
Ground Spoiler Position/Speed Brake Selection Full range or each discrete position ±2% unless higher accuracy uniquely required 1 0.22 2.
Marker Beacon Passage Discrete 1
Autopilot Engagement Discrete 1
Longitudinal Acceleration ±1g ±1.5% max range excluding datum error of ±5% 4 0.01g.
Pilot Input And/or Surface Position-Primary Controls (Pitch, Roll, Yaw) 3 Full range ±2° unless higher accuracy uniquely required 1 0.2% 2.
Lateral Acceleration ±1g ±1.5% max range excluding datum error of ±5% 4 0.01g.
Pitch Trim Position Full range ±3% unless higher accuracy uniquely required 1 0.3% 2.
Glideslope Deviation ±400 Microamps ±3% 1 0.3% 2.
Localizer Deviation ±400 Microamps ±3% 1 0.3% 2.
AFCS Mode And Engagement Status Discrete 1
Radio Altitude −20 ft to 2,500 ft ±2 Ft or ±3% whichever is greater below 500 ft and ±5% above 500 ft 1 1 ft + 5% 2 above 500′.
Master Warning Discrete 1
Main Gear Squat Switch Status Discrete 1
Angle of Attack (if recorded directly) As installed As installed 2 0.3% 2.
Outside Air Temperature or Total Air Temperature −50 °C to + 90 °C ±2° c 0.5 0.3° c
Hydraulics, Each System Low Pressure Discrete 0.5 or 0.5% 2.
Groundspeed As installed Most accurate systems installed (IMS equipped aircraft only) 1 0.2% 2.
If additional recording capacity is available, recording of the following parameters is recommended. The parameters are listed in order of significance:
Drift Angle When available. As installed As installed 4
Wind Speed and Direction When available. As installed As installed 4
Latitude and Longitude When available. As installed As installed 4
Brake pressure/Brake pedal position As installed As installed 1
Additional engine parameters:
EPR As installed As installed 1 (per engine)
N 1 As installed As installed 1 (per engine)
N 2 As installed As installed 1 (per engine)
EGT As installed As installed 1 (per engine)
Throttle Lever Position As installed As installed 1 (per engine)
Fuel Flow As installed As installed 1 (per engine)
TA As installed As installed 1
RA As installed As installed 1
Sensitivity level (as selected by crew) As installed As installed 2
GPWS (ground proximity warning system) Discrete 1
Landing gear or gear selector position Discrete 0.25 (1 per 4 seconds)
DME 1 and 2 Distance 0-200 NM; As installed 0.25 1mi.
Nav 1 and 2 Frequency Selection Full range As installed 0.25

1 When altitude rate is recorded. Altitude rate must have sufficient resolution and sampling to permit the derivation of altitude to 5 feet.

2 Per cent of full range.

3 For airplanes that can demonstrate the capability of deriving either the control input on control movement (one from the other) for all modes of operation and flight regimes, the “or” applies. For airplanes with non-mechanical control systems (fly-by-wire) the “and” applies. In airplanes with split surfaces, suitable combination of inputs is acceptable in lieu of recording each surface separately.

4 This column applies to aircraft manufactured after October 11, 1991.

[Doc. No. 25530, 53 FR 26153, July 11, 1988; 53 FR 30906, Aug. 16, 1988]