14 CFR Appendix I to Part 25 - Appendix I to Part 25—Installation of an Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System (ATTCS)

Appendix I to Part 25—Installation of an Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System (ATTCS)
I25.1 General.

(a) This appendix specifies additional requirements for installation of an engine power control system that automatically resets thrust or power on operating engine(s) in the event of any one engine failure during takeoff.

(b) With the ATTCS and associated systems functioning normally as designed, all applicable requirements of Part 25, except as provided in this appendix, must be met without requiring any action by the crew to increase thrust or power.

I25.2 Definitions.

(a) Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System (ATTCS). An ATTCS is defined as the entire automatic system used on takeoff, including all devices, both mechanical and electrical, that sense engine failure, transmit signals, actuate fuel controls or power levers or increase engine power by other means on operating engines to achieve scheduled thrust or power increases, and furnish cockpit information on system operation.

(b) Critical Time Interval. When conducting an ATTCS takeoff, the critical time interval is between V1 minus 1 second and a point on the minimum performance, all-engine flight path where, assuming a simultaneous occurrence of an engine and ATTCS failure, the resulting minimum flight path thereafter intersects the Part 25 required actual flight path at no less than 400 feet above the takeoff surface. This time interval is shown in the following illustration:

The Critical Time Interval
I25.3 Performance and System Reliability Requirements.

The applicant must comply with the performance and ATTCS reliability requirements as follows:

(a) An ATTCS failure or a combination of failures in the ATTCS during the critical time interval:

(1) Shall not prevent the insertion of the maximum approved takeoff thrust or power, or must be shown to be an improbable event.

(2) Shall not result in a significant loss or reduction in thrust or power, or must be shown to be an extremely improbable event.

(b) The concurrent existence of an ATTCS failure and an engine failure during the critical time interval must be shown to be extremely improbable.

(c) All applicable performance requirements of Part 25 must be met with an engine failure occurring at the most critical point during takeoff with the ATTCS system functioning.

I25.4 Thrust Setting.

The initial takeoff thrust or power setting on each engine at the beginning of the takeoff roll may not be less than any of the following:

(a) Ninety (90) percent of the thrust or power set by the ATTCS (the maximum takeoff thrust or power approved for the airplane under existing ambient conditions);

(b) That required to permit normal operation of all safety-related systems and equipment dependent upon engine thrust or power lever position; or

(c) That shown to be free of hazardous engine response characteristics when thrust or power is advanced from the initial takeoff thrust or power to the maximum approved takeoff thrust or power.

I25.5 Powerplant Controls.

(a) In addition to the requirements of § 25.1141, no single failure or malfunction, or probable combination thereof, of the ATTCS, including associated systems, may cause the failure of any powerplant function necessary for safety.

(b) The ATTCS must be designed to:

(1) Apply thrust or power on the operating engine(s), following any one engine failure during takeoff, to achieve the maximum approved takeoff thrust or power without exceeding engine operating limits;

(2) Permit manual decrease or increase in thrust or power up to the maximum takeoff thrust or power approved for the airplane under existing conditions through the use of the power lever. For airplanes equipped with limiters that automatically prevent engine operating limits from being exceeded under existing ambient conditions, other means may be used to increase the thrust or power in the event of an ATTCS failure provided the means is located on or forward of the power levers; is easily identified and operated under all operating conditions by a single action of either pilot with the hand that is normally used to actuate the power levers; and meets the requirements of § 25.777 (a), (b), and (c);

(3) Provide a means to verify to the flightcrew before takeoff that the ATTCS is in a condition to operate; and

(4) Provide a means for the flightcrew to deactivate the automatic function. This means must be designed to prevent inadvertent deactivation.

I25.6 Powerplant Instruments.

In addition to the requirements of § 25.1305:

(a) A means must be provided to indicate when the ATTCS is in the armed or ready condition; and

(b) If the inherent flight characteristics of the airplane do not provide adequate warning that an engine has failed, a warning system that is independent of the ATTCS must be provided to give the pilot a clear warning of any engine failure during takeoff.

[Amdt. 25-62, 52 FR 43156, Nov. 9, 1987]