15 CFR § 400.24 - Application for expansion or other modification to zone.

§ 400.24 Application for expansion or other modification to zone.

(a) In general.

(1) A grantee may apply to the Board for authority to expand or otherwise modify its zone (including pursuant to the ASF procedures adopted by the Board (§ 400.2(c))).

(2) The Executive Secretary, in consultation with CBP as appropriate, shall determine whether the proposed modification involves a major change in the zone plan and is thus subject to paragraph (b) of this section, or is minor and subject to paragraph (c) of this section. In making this determination the Executive Secretary shall consider the extent to which the proposed modification would:

(i) Substantially modify the plan originally approved by the Board; or

(ii) Expand the physical dimensions of the approved zone area as they relate to the scope of operations envisioned in the original plan.

(b) Major modification to zone. An application for a major modification of an approved zone shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of § 400.21, except that the content submitted pursuant to § 400.21(d)(4) (economic justification) shall relate specifically to the proposed change.

(c) Minor modification to zone. Other applications or requests under this subpart shall be submitted in letter form with information and documentation necessary for analysis, as determined by the Executive Secretary, who shall determine whether the proposed change is a minor one subject to this paragraph (c) instead of paragraph (b) of this section (see § 400.38). Such applications or requests include those for minor revisions of zone or subzone boundaries based on immediate need, as well as for designation as a subzone of all or part of an existing zone site(s) (or site(s) that qualifies for usage-driven status), where warranted by the circumstances and so long as the subzone remains subject to the activation limit (see § 400.2(b)) for the zone in question.

(d) Applications for other revisions to authority. Applications or requests for other revisions to authority, such as for Board action to establish or modify an activation limit for a zone, modification of a restriction, reissuance of a grant of authority or request for a voluntary termination shall be submitted in letter form with information and documentation necessary for analysis, as determined by the Executive Secretary. If the change involves the removal or significant modification of a restriction included by the Board in its approval of authority or the reissuance of a grant of authority, the review procedures of §§ 400.31 through 400.34 and 400.36 shall be followed, where relevant. If not, the procedure set forth in § 400.38 shall generally apply (although the Executive Secretary may elect to follow the procedures of §§ 400.31 through 400.34 and 400.36 when warranted).

[77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, as amended at 89 FR 8528, Feb. 8, 2024]