15 CFR § 923.132 - Definitions.

§ 923.132 Definitions.

(a) Continuing review means monitoring State performance on an ongoing basis. As part of the continuing review, evaluations of approved CZM programs will be conducted and written findings will be produced at least once every three years.

(b) Adherence means to comply with the approved CZM program and financial assistance award or work program.

(c) Interim sanction means suspension and redirection of any portion of financial assistance extended to any coastal State under this title, if the Secretary determines that the coastal State is failing to adhere to the management program or a State plan developed to manage a national estuarine reserve, or a portion of the program or plan approved by the Secretary, or the terms of any grant or cooperative agreement funded under this title.

(d) Approved CZM program means those elements of the program approved by the Secretary, under 15 CFR part 923 (Development and Approval Provisions), including any changes to those elements made by approved amendments and routine program implementation.

(e) Financial assistance award means a legal instrument that creates a relationship between the Federal government and another entity (recipient). The principal purpose of the award is the transfer of money or services in order to accomplish a public purpose authorized by Federal statute. The term “financial assistance award” encompasses grants, loans, and cooperative agreements. The following elements constitute the award:

(1) The work program described in the approved application;

(2) The budget;

(3) The standard terms and conditions of the award;

(4) Any special award conditions included with the award;

(5) The statutes and regulations under which the award is authorized; and

(6) Applicable OMB cost principles and administrative requirements.

(f) Work program means a description of the tasks to be undertaken by a State for a given time period for the purpose of implementing and enforcing an approved CZM program. The work program is submitted as a part of a Federal financial assistance application, or separately in the absence of Federal financial assistance.

(g) Assistant Administrator means the Assistant Administrator for Ocean Services and Coastal Zone Management, or the NOAA Official responsible for directing the Federal Coastal Zone Management Program.

[47 FR 21021, May 17, 1982, as amended at 57 FR 31113, July 14, 1992. Redesignated at 61 FR 33818, June 28, 1996]