15 CFR § 923.95 - Approval of applications.

§ 923.95 Approval of applications.

(a) The application for a grant by any coastal State which complies with the policies and requirements of the Act and these guidelines shall be approved by the NOAA Grants Officer, upon recommendation by the Assistant Administrator, assuming available funding.

(b) Should an application be found deficient, the Assistant Administrator will notify the applicant in detail of any deficiency when an application fails to conform to the requirements of the Act or these regulations. Conferences may be held on these matters. Corrections or adjustments to the application will provide the basis for resubmittal of the application for further consideration and review.

(c) The NOAA Grants Officer, upon recommendation by the Assistant Administrator, may waive appropriate administrative requirements contained in this subpart, upon finding of extenuating circumstances relating to applications for assistance.