17 CFR § 150.3 - Exemptions.

§ 150.3 Exemptions.

(a) Positions which may exceed limits. A person may exceed the speculative position limits set forth in § 150.2 to the extent that all applicable requirements in this part are met, provided that such person's transactions or positions each satisfy one of the following:

(1) Bona fide hedging transactions or positions. Positions that comply with the bona fide hedging transaction or position definition in § 150.1, and are:

(i) Enumerated in appendix A to this part; or

(ii) Approved as non-enumerated bona fide hedging transactions or positions in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of this section or § 150.9.

(2) Spread transactions. Transactions that:

(i) Meet the spread transaction definition in § 150.1; or

(ii) Do not meet the spread transaction definition in § 150.1, but have been approved by the Commission pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(3) Financial distress positions. Positions of a person, or a related person or persons, under financial distress circumstances, when exempted by the Commission from any of the requirements of this part in response to a specific request made pursuant to § 140.99(a)(1) of this chapter, where financial distress circumstances include, but are not limited to, situations involving the potential default or bankruptcy of a customer of the requesting person or persons, an affiliate of the requesting person or persons, or a potential acquisition target of the requesting person or persons.

(4) Conditional spot month limit exemption positions in natural gas. Spot month positions in natural gas cash-settled referenced contracts that exceed the spot month speculative position limit set forth in § 150.2, provided that:

(i) Such positions do not exceed the futures-equivalent of 10,000 NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas core referenced futures contracts per designated contract market that lists a cash-settled referenced contract in natural gas;

(ii) Such positions do not exceed the futures-equivalent of 10,000 NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas core referenced futures contracts in economically equivalent swaps in natural gas; and

(iii) The person holding or controlling such positions does not hold or control positions in spot month physical-delivery referenced contracts in natural gas.

(5) Pre-enactment and transition period swaps exemption. The speculative position limits set forth in § 150.2 shall not apply to positions acquired in good faith in any pre-enactment swap or any transition period swap, provided however that a person may net such positions with post-effective date commodity derivative contracts for the purpose of complying with any non-spot month speculative position limit.

(b) Application for relief. Any person with a position in a referenced contract seeking recognition of such position as a bona fide hedging transaction or position in accordance with paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, or seeking an exemption for a spread position in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) of this section, in each case for purposes of Federal speculative position limits set forth in § 150.2, may apply to the Commission in accordance with this section.

(1) Required information. The application shall include the following information:

(i) With respect to an application for recognition of a bona fide hedging transaction or position:

(A) A description of the position in the commodity derivative contract for which the application is submitted, including but not necessarily limited to, the name of the underlying commodity and the derivative position size;

(B) An explanation of the hedging strategy, including a statement that the position complies with the requirements of section 4a(c)(2) of the Act and the definition of bona fide hedging transaction or position in § 150.1, and information to demonstrate why the position satisfies such requirements and definition;

(C) A statement concerning the maximum size of all gross positions in commodity derivative contracts for which the application is submitted;

(D) A description of the applicant's activity in the cash markets and swaps markets for the commodity underlying the position for which the application is submitted, including, but not necessarily limited to, information regarding the offsetting cash positions; and

(E) Any other information that may help the Commission determine whether the position satisfies the requirements of section 4a(c)(2) of the Act and the definition of bona fide hedging transaction or position in § 150.1.

(ii) With respect to an application for a spread exemption:

(A) A description of the spread position for which the application is submitted;

(B) A statement concerning the maximum size of all gross positions in commodity derivative contracts for which the application is submitted; and

(C) Any other information that may help the Commission determine whether the position is consistent with section 4a(a)(3)(B) of the Act.

(2) Additional information. If the Commission determines that it requires additional information in order to determine whether to recognize a position as a bona fide hedging transaction or position or to grant a spread exemption, the Commission shall:

(i) Notify the applicant of any supplemental information required; and

(ii) Provide the applicant with ten business days in which to provide the Commission with any supplemental information.

(3) Timing of application.

(i) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, a person seeking relief in accordance with this section must apply to the Commission and receive a notice of approval of such application prior to the date that the position for which the application was submitted would be in excess of the applicable Federal speculative position limit set forth in § 150.2;

(ii) Due to demonstrated sudden or unforeseen increases in its bona fide hedging needs, a person may apply for recognition of a bona fide hedging transaction or position within five business days after the person established the position that exceeded the applicable Federal speculative position limit.

(A) Any application filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section must include an explanation of the circumstances warranting the sudden or unforeseen increases in bona fide hedging needs.

(B) If an application filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section is denied, the person must bring its position within the Federal speculative position limits within a commercially reasonable time, as determined by the Commission in consultation with the applicant and the applicable designated contract market or swap execution facility.

(C) If an application filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section is denied, the Commission will not pursue an enforcement action for a position limits violation for the person holding the position during the period of the Commission's review nor once the Commission has issued its determination so long as the application was submitted in good faith and the person brings its position within the Federal speculative position limits within a commercially reasonable time in accordance with paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(B) of this section.

(4) Commission determination. After a review of any application submitted under paragraph (b) of this section and any supplemental information provided by the applicant, the Commission will determine, with respect to the transaction or position for which the application is submitted, whether to recognize all or a specified portion of such transaction or position as a bona fide hedging transaction or position or whether to exempt all or a specified portion of such spread transaction, as applicable. The Commission shall notify the applicant of its determination, and an applicant may exceed Federal speculative position limits set forth in § 150.2, or in the case of applications filed pursuant to paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, the applicant may rely upon the Commission's determination, upon receiving a notice of approval.

(5) Renewal of application. With respect to any application approved by the Commission pursuant to this section, a person shall renew such application if there are any material changes to the information provided in the original application pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section or upon request by the Commission.

(6) Commission revocation or modification. If the Commission determines, at any time, that a recognized bona fide hedging transaction or position is no longer consistent with section 4a(c)(2) of the Act or the definition of bona fide hedging transaction or position in § 150.1, or that a spread exemption is no longer consistent with section 4a(a)(3)(B) of the Act, the Commission shall:

(i) Notify the person holding such position;

(ii) Provide an opportunity for the applicant to respond to such notification; and

(iii) Issue a determination to revoke or modify the bona fide hedge recognition or spread exemption for purposes of Federal speculative position limits and, as applicable, require the person to reduce the derivative position within a commercially reasonable time, as determined by the Commission in consultation with the applicant and the applicable designated contract market or swap execution facility, or otherwise come into compliance. This notification shall briefly specify the nature of the issues raised and the specific provisions of the Act or the Commission's regulations with which the position or application is, or appears to be, inconsistent.

(c) Previously-granted risk management exemptions. To the extent that exemptions previously granted under § 1.47 of this chapter or by a designated contract market or a swap execution facility are for the risk management of positions in financial instruments, including but not limited to index funds, such exemptions shall no longer apply as of January 1, 2023.

(d) Recordkeeping.

(1) Persons who avail themselves of exemptions under this section shall keep and maintain complete books and records concerning all details of each of their exemptions, including relevant information about related cash, forward, futures contracts, option on futures contracts, and swap positions and transactions (including anticipated requirements, production, merchandising activities, royalties, contracts for services, cash commodity products and by-products, cross-commodity hedges, and records of bona fide hedging swap counterparties) as applicable, and shall make such books and records available to the Commission upon request under paragraph (e) of this section.

(2) Any person that relies on a written representation received from another person that a swap qualifies as a pass-through swap under paragraph (2) of the definition of bona fide hedging transaction or position in § 150.1 shall keep and make available to the Commission upon request the relevant books and records of such written representation, including any books and records that the person intends to use to demonstrate that the pass-through swap is a bona fide hedging transaction or position, for a period of at least two years following the expiration of the swap.

(3) All books and records required to be kept pursuant to this section shall be kept in accordance with the requirements of § 1.31 of this chapter.

(e) Call for information. Upon call by the Commission, the Director of the Division of Enforcement, or the Director's delegate, any person claiming an exemption from speculative position limits under this section shall provide to the Commission such information as specified in the call relating to: the positions owned or controlled by that person; trading done pursuant to the claimed exemption; the commodity derivative contracts or cash-market positions which support the claimed exemption; and the relevant business relationships supporting a claimed exemption.

(f) Aggregation of accounts. Entities required to aggregate accounts or positions under § 150.4 shall be considered the same person for the purpose of determining whether they are eligible for an exemption under paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section with respect to such aggregated account or position.

(g) Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight.

(1) The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees as the Director may designate from time to time:

(i) The authority in paragraph (a)(3) of this section to provide exemptions in circumstances of financial distress;

(ii) The authority in paragraph (b)(2) of this section to request additional information with respect to a request for a bona fide hedging transaction or position recognition or spread exemption;

(iii) The authority in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)(B) of this section to, if applicable, determine a commercially reasonable amount of time required for a person to bring its position within the Federal speculative position limits;

(iv) The authority in paragraph (b)(4) of this section to determine whether to recognize a position as a bona fide hedging transaction or position or to grant a spread exemption; and

(v) The authority in paragraph (b)(2) or (5) of this section to request that a person submit updated materials or renew their request with the Commission.

(2) The Director of the Division of Market Oversight may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated in this section.

(3) Nothing in this section prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this section.

[86 FR 3468, Jan. 14, 2021]