17 CFR § 171.24 - Submission of the record.

§ 171.24 Submission of the record.

Within thirty days after service of a notice of appeal, the National Futures Association shall file with the Proceedings Clerk two copies of the record of the proceeding (as defined by § 171.2(k)). The record shall be bound as a unit, chronologically indexed and tabbed, and certified as correct by a duly authorized official, agent or employee of the National Futures Asssociation. The National Futures Association shall serve on the party appealing, in lieu of the record, a copy of the index of the record and a copy of any document in the record not previously served on the party appealing. If the party appealing objects to the materials included or excluded in preparing the record, he shall file his objections with his brief on appeal. The Commission may, at any time, direct that an omission or misstatement be corrected and, if necessary, that a supplemental record be prepared and filed.