17 CFR § 242.829 - Core Principle 12—Financial resources.

§ 242.829 Core Principle 12—Financial resources.

(a) In general.

(1) The security-based swap execution facility shall have adequate financial, operational, and managerial resources to discharge each responsibility of the security-based swap execution facility, as determined by the Commission.

(2) The financial resources of a security-based swap execution facility shall be considered to be adequate if the value of the financial resources:

(i) Enables the organization to meet its financial obligations to its members notwithstanding a default by a member creating the largest financial exposure for that organization in extreme but plausible market conditions; and

(ii) Exceeds the total amount that would enable the security-based swap execution facility to cover the operating costs of the security-based swap execution facility for a one-year period, as calculated on a rolling basis.

(b) General requirements. A security-based swap execution facility shall maintain financial resources on an ongoing basis that are adequate to enable it to comply with the core principles set forth in section 3D of the Act and any applicable Commission rules. Financial resources shall be considered adequate if their value exceeds the total amount that would enable the security-based swap execution facility to cover its projected operating costs necessary for the security-based swap execution facility to comply with section 3D of the Act and applicable Commission rules for a one-year period, as calculated on a rolling basis pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section.

(c) Types of financial resources. Financial resources available to satisfy the requirements of this section may include:

(1) The security-based swap execution facility's own capital, meaning its assets minus its liabilities calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States; and

(2) Any other financial resource deemed acceptable by the Commission.

(d) Liquidity of financial resources. The financial resources allocated by a security-based swap execution facility to meet the ongoing requirements of paragraph (b) of this section shall include unencumbered, liquid financial assets (i.e., cash and/or highly liquid securities) equal to at least the greater of three months of projected operating costs, as calculated on a rolling basis, or the projected costs needed to wind down the security-based swap execution facility's operations, in each case as determined under paragraph (e) of this section. If a security-based swap execution facility lacks sufficient unencumbered, liquid financial assets to satisfy its obligations under this section, the security-based swap execution facility may satisfy this requirement by obtaining a committed line of credit or similar facility in an amount at least equal to such deficiency.

(e) Computation of costs to meet financial resources requirement.

(1) A security-based swap execution facility shall, each fiscal quarter, make a reasonable calculation of its projected operating costs and wind-down costs in order to determine its applicable obligations under this section. The security-based swap execution facility shall have reasonable discretion in determining the methodologies used to compute such amounts.

(i) Calculation of projected operating costs. A security-based swap execution facility's calculation of its projected operating costs shall be deemed reasonable if it includes all expenses necessary for the security-based swap execution facility to comply with the core principles set forth in section 3D of the Act and any applicable Commission rules, and if the calculation is based on the security-based swap execution facility's current level of business and business model, taking into account any projected modification to its business model (e.g., the addition or subtraction of business lines or operations or other changes), and any projected increase or decrease in its level of business over the next 12 months. A security-based swap execution facility may exclude the following expenses (“excludable expenses”) from its projected operating cost calculations:

(A) Costs attributable solely to sales, marketing, business development, product development, or recruitment and any related travel, entertainment, event, or conference costs;

(B) Compensation and related taxes and benefits for personnel who are not necessary to ensure that the security-based swap execution facility is able to comply with the core principles set forth in section 3D of the Act and any applicable Commission rules;

(C) Costs for acquiring and defending patents and trademarks for security-based swap execution facility products and related intellectual property;

(D) Magazine, newspaper, and online periodical subscription fees;

(E) Tax preparation and audit fees;

(F) The variable commissions that a voice-based security-based swap execution facility may pay to its trading specialists, calculated as a percentage of transaction revenue generated by the voice-based security-based swap execution facility; and

(G) Any non-cash costs, including depreciation and amortization.

(ii) Prorated expenses. A security-based swap execution facility's calculation of its projected operating costs shall be deemed reasonable if an expense is prorated and the security-based swap execution facility:

(A) Maintains sufficient documentation that reasonably shows the extent to which an expense is partially attributable to an excludable expense;

(B) Identifies any prorated expense in the financial reports that it submits to the Commission pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section; and

(C) Sufficiently explains why it prorated any expense. Common allocation methodologies that may be used include actual use, headcount, or square footage. A security-based swap execution facility may provide documentation, such as copies of service agreements, other legal documents, firm policies, audit statements, or allocation methodologies to support its determination to prorate an expense.

(iii) Expenses allocated among affiliates. A security-based swap execution facility's calculation of its projected operating costs shall be deemed reasonable if it prorates any shared expense that the security-based swap execution facility pays for, but only to the extent that such shared expense is attributable to an affiliate and for which the security-based swap execution facility is reimbursed. To prorate a shared expense, the security-based swap execution facility shall:

(A) Maintain sufficient documentation that reasonably shows the extent to which the shared expense is attributable to and paid for by the security-based swap execution facility and/or affiliated entity. The security-based swap execution facility may provide documentation, such as copies of service agreements, other legal documents, firm policies, audit statements, or allocation methodologies, that reasonably shows how expenses are attributable to, and paid for by, the security-based swap execution facility and/or its affiliated entities to support its determination to prorate an expense;

(B) Identify any shared expense in the financial reports that it submits to the Commission pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section; and

(C) Sufficiently explain why it prorated the shared expense.

(2) Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the Commission may review the methodologies and require changes as appropriate.

(f) Valuation of financial resources. No less than each fiscal quarter, a security-based swap execution facility shall compute the current market value of each financial resource used to meet its obligations under this section. Reductions in value to reflect market and credit risk (“haircuts”) shall be applied as appropriate.

(g) Reporting to the Commission.

(1) Each fiscal quarter, or at any time upon Commission request, a security-based swap execution facility shall provide a report to the Commission that includes:

(i) The amount of financial resources necessary to meet the requirements of this section, computed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section, and the market value of each available financial resource, computed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (f) of this section; and

(ii) Financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows of the security-based swap execution facility.

(A) The financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, prepared in English, and denominated in U.S. dollars.

(B) The financial statements of a security-based swap execution facility that is not domiciled in the United States, and is not otherwise required to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, may satisfy the requirement in paragraph (g)(1)(ii)(A) of this section if such financial statements are prepared in accordance with either International Financial Reporting Standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, or a comparable international standard as the Commission may otherwise accept in its discretion.

(2) The calculations required by this paragraph (g) shall be made as of the last business day of the security-based swap execution facility's applicable fiscal quarter.

(3) With each report required under paragraph (g) of this section, the security-based swap execution facility shall also provide the Commission with sufficient documentation explaining the methodology used to compute its financial requirements under this section. Such documentation shall:

(i) Allow the Commission to reliably determine, without additional requests for information, that the security-based swap execution facility has made reasonable calculations pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section; and

(ii) Include, at a minimum:

(A) A total list of all expenses, without any exclusion;

(B) All expenses and the corresponding amounts, if any, that the security-based swap execution facility excluded or prorated when determining its operating costs, calculated on a rolling basis, required under this section, and the basis for any determination to exclude or prorate any such expenses;

(C) Documentation demonstrating the existence of any committed line of credit or similar facility relied upon for the purpose of meeting the requirements of this section (e.g., copies of agreements establishing or amending a credit facility or similar facility); and

(D) All costs that a security-based swap execution facility would incur to wind down its operations, the projected amount of time for any such wind-down period, and the basis of its determination for the estimation of its costs and timing.

(4) The reports and supporting documentation required by this section shall be filed not later than 40 calendar days after the end of the security-based swap execution facility's first three fiscal quarters, and not later than 90 calendar days after the end of the security-based swap execution facility's fourth fiscal quarter, or at such later time as the Commission may permit, in its discretion, upon request by the security-based swap execution facility.

(5) A security-based swap execution facility shall provide notice to the Commission no later than 48 hours after it knows or reasonably should know that it no longer meets its obligations under paragraphs (b) and (d) of this section.

(6) A security-based swap execution facility shall provide the report and documentation required by this section to the Commission electronically using the EDGAR system as an Interactive Data File in accordance with § 232.405 of this chapter.