18 CFR § 385.211 - Protests other than under Rule 208 (Rule 211).

§ 385.211 Protests other than under Rule 208 (Rule 211).

(a) General rule.

(1) Any person may file a protest to object to any application, complaint, petition, order to show cause, notice of tariff or rate examination, or tariff or rate filing.

(2) The filing of a protest does not make the protestant a party to the proceeding. The protestant must intervene under Rule 214 to become a party.

(3) Subject to paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the Commission will consider protests in determining further appropriate action. Protests will be placed in the public file associated with the proceeding.

(4) If a proceeding is set for hearing under subpart E of this part, the protest is not part of the record upon which the decision is made.

(b) Service.

(1) Any protest directed against a person in a proceeding must be served by the protestant on the person against whom the protest is directed.

(2) The Secretary may waive any procedural requirement of this subpart applicable to protests. If the requirement of service under this paragraph is waived, the Secretary will place the protest in the public file and may send a copy thereof to any person against whom the protest is directed.