19 CFR § 10.2015 - Regional value content.

§ 10.2015 Regional value content.

(a) General. Except for goods to which paragraph (d) of this section applies, where General Note 35, HTSUS, sets forth a rule that specifies a regional value content test for a good, the regional value content of such good must be calculated by the importer, exporter, or producer of the good on the basis of the build-down method described in paragraph (b) of this section or the build-up method described in paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Build-down method. Under the build-down method, the regional value content must be calculated on the basis of the formula RVC = ((AV − VNM)/AV) × 100, where RVC is the regional value content, expressed as a percentage; AV is the adjusted value of the good; and VNM is the value of non-originating materials that are acquired and used by the producer in the production of the good, but does not include the value of a material that is self-produced.

(c) Build-up method. Under the build-up method, the regional value content must be calculated on the basis of the formula RVC = (VOM/AV) × 100, where RVC is the regional value content, expressed as a percentage; AV is the adjusted value of the good; and VOM is the value of originating materials that are acquired or self-produced and used by the producer in the production of the good.

(d) Special rule for certain automotive goods—(1) General. Where General Note 35, HTSUS, sets forth a rule that specifies a regional value content test for an automotive good provided for in any of subheadings 8407.31 through 8407.34 (engines), subheading 8408.20 (diesel engine for vehicles), heading 8409 (parts of engines), or any of headings 8701 through 8705 (motor vehicles), and headings 8706 (chassis), 8707 (bodies), and 8708 (motor vehicle parts), HTSUS, the regional value content of such good may be calculated by the importer, exporter, or producer of the good on the basis of the net cost method described in paragraphs (d)(2) through (d)(4) of this section.

(2) Net cost method. Under the net cost method, the regional value content is calculated on the basis of the formula RVC = ((NC − VNM)/NC) × 100, where RVC is the regional value content, expressed as a percentage; NC is the net cost of the good; and VNM is the value of non-originating materials that are acquired and used by the producer in the production of the good, but does not include the value of a material that is self-produced. Consistent with the provisions regarding allocation of costs set out in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the net cost of the good must be determined by:

(i) Calculating the total cost incurred with respect to all goods produced by the producer of the automotive good, subtracting any sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping and packing costs, and non-allowable interest costs that are included in the total cost of all such goods, and then reasonably allocating the resulting net cost of those goods to the automotive good;

(ii) Calculating the total cost incurred with respect to all goods produced by the producer of the automotive good, reasonably allocating the total cost to the automotive good, and then subtracting any sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping and packing costs, and non-allowable interest costs that are included in the portion of the total cost allocated to the automotive good; or

(iii) Reasonably allocating each cost that forms part of the total costs incurred with respect to the automotive good so that the aggregate of these costs does not include any sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales service costs, royalties, shipping and packing costs, or non-allowable interest costs.

(3) Motor vehicles—(i) General. For purposes of calculating the regional value content under the net cost method for an automotive good that is a motor vehicle provided for in any of headings 8701 through 8705, an importer, exporter, or producer may average the amounts calculated under the formula set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section over the producer's fiscal year using any one of the categories described in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section either on the basis of all motor vehicles in the category or those motor vehicles in the category that are exported to the territory of one or both Parties.

(ii) Categories. The categories referred to in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this section are as follows:

(A) The same model line of motor vehicles, in the same class of vehicles, produced in the same plant in the territory of a Party, as the motor vehicle for which the regional value content is being calculated;

(B) The same class of motor vehicles, and produced in the same plant in the territory of a Party, as the motor vehicle for which the regional value content is being calculated; and

(C) The same model line of motor vehicles produced in the territory of a Party as the motor vehicle for which the regional value content is being calculated.

(4) Other automotive goods—(i) General. For purposes of calculating the regional value content under the net cost method for automotive goods provided for in any of subheadings 8407.31 through 8407.34, subheading 8408.20, heading 8409, 8706, 8707, or 8708, HTSUS, that are produced in the same plant, an importer, exporter, or producer may:

(A) Average the amounts calculated under the formula set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section over any of the following: the fiscal year, or any quarter or month, of the motor vehicle producer to whom the automotive good is sold, or the fiscal year, or any quarter or month, of the producer of the automotive good, provided the goods were produced during the fiscal year, quarter, or month that is the basis for the calculation;

(B) Determine the average referred to in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of this section separately for such goods sold to one or more motor vehicle producers; or

(C) Make a separate determination under paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) or (d)(4)(i)(B) of this section for automotive goods that are exported to the territory of Panama or the United States.

(ii) Duration of use. A person selecting an averaging period of one month or quarter under paragraph (d)(4)(i)(A) of this section must continue to use that method for that category of automotive goods throughout the fiscal year.