19 CFR § 146.53 - Shortages and overages.

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§ 146.53 Shortages and overages.

(a) Report required. The operator shall report, in writing, to the port director upon identification, as such, of any:

(1) Theft or suspected theft of merchandise;

(2) Merchandise not properly admitted to the zone; or

(3) Shortage of one percent (1%) or more of the quantity of merchandise in a lot or covered by a unique identifier, if the missing merchandise would have been subject to duties and taxes of $100 or more upon entry into the Customs territory. The operator shall record upon identification all shortages and overages, whether or not they are required to be reported to the port director at that time, in its inventory control and recordkeeping system. The operator shall record all shortages and overages as required in the annual reconciliation report under § 146.25.

(b) Certain domestic merchandise. Except in a case of theft or suspected theft, the operator need not file a report with the port director, or note in the annual reconciliation report, any shortage or overage concerning domestic status merchandise for which no permit is required.

(c) Shortage—(1) Operator responsibility. The operator is responsible under its Foreign Trade Zone Operator's Bond for any loss of merchandise or for any merchandise which cannot be located or otherwise accounted for (except domestic status merchandise for which no permit is required), unless the port director is satisfied that the merchandise was:

(i) Never received in the zone;

(ii) Removed from the zone under proper permit;

(iii) Not removed from the zone; or

(iv) Lost or destroyed in the zone through fire or other casualty, evaporation, spillage, leakage, absorption, or similar cause, and did not enter the commerce of the U.S.

(2) Liability for duty and taxes. Upon demand of the port director, the operator shall make entry for and pay duties and taxes applicable to merchandise which is missing or otherwise not accounted for.

(d) Overage. The person with the right to make entry shall file, within 5 days after identification of an overage, an application for admission of the merchandise to the zone on Customs Form 214 or file a Customs entry for the merchandise. If a Customs Form 214 or a Customs entry is not timely filed, and the port director has not granted an extension of the time provided, the merchandise shall be sent to general order.

(e) Damage. The liability of the operator under its Foreign Trade Zone Operator's Bond may be adjusted for the loss of value resulting from damage to merchandise occurring in the zone. The operator shall segregate, mark, and otherwise secure damaged merchandise to preserve its identity as damaged merchandise.