19 CFR § 220.2 - Definitions applicable to this part.

§ 220.2 Definitions applicable to this part.

For the purposes of this part, the following terms have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

(a) Act means the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016.

(b) HTS means Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

(c) Committees means the House Committee on Ways and Means and Senate Committee on Finance.

(d) Commission disclosure form means the information submitted to the Commission by a petitioner as part of a petition for a duty suspension or reduction that contains the following:

(1) The contact information for any known importers of the article to which the proposed duty suspension or reduction would apply.

(2) A certification by the petitioner that the proposed duty suspension or reduction is available to any person importing the article to which the proposed duty suspension or reduction would apply.

(3) A certification that the petitioner is a likely beneficiary of the proposed duty suspension or reduction.

(e) Duty suspension or reduction refers to an amendment to the HTS for a period not to exceed 3 years that—

(1) Extends an existing temporary duty suspension or reduction on an article under chapter 99 of the HTS; or

(2) Provides for a new temporary duty suspension or reduction on an article under that chapter.

(f) Likely beneficiary means an individual or entity likely to utilize, or benefit directly from the utilization of, an article that is the subject of a petition for a duty suspension or reduction.

(g) Domestic producer means a person that demonstrates production, or imminent production, in the United States of an article that is identical to, or like or directly competitive with, an article to which a petition for a duty suspension or reduction would apply.

(h) Domestic production means the production of an article that is identical to, or like or directly competitive with, an article to which a petition for a duty suspension or reduction would apply, for which a domestic producer has demonstrated production, or imminent production, in the United States.

(1) “Identical” article means a domestic article that has the same inherent or intrinsic characteristics and is classified in the same HTS rate line as the article that is the subject of a petition for duty suspension or reduction;

(2) “Like” article means a domestic article that is substantially identical in inherent or intrinsic characteristics (i.e., materials from which made, appearance, quality, texture, etc.) as the article that is the subject of a petition for duty suspension or reduction; and

(3) “Directly competitive” article means a domestic article which, although not substantially identical in its inherent or intrinsic characteristics, is substantially equivalent for commercial purposes, that is, adapted to the same uses and essentially interchangeable therefor as the article that is the subject of a petition for duty suspension or reduction.

(i) Imminent production normally means production planned to begin within 3 years of the date on which the petition is filed.