2 CFR Appendix D to Part 1128 - Appendix D to Part 1128—Terms and Conditions for FMS Article IV, “Revision of Budget and Program Plans”

Appendix D to Part 1128—Terms and Conditions for FMS Article IV, “Revision of Budget and Program Plans”

Unless a DoD Component reserves a section or paragraph or adds or modifies wording, as permitted by §§ 1128.410 through 1128.430, a DoD Component's general terms and conditions must include the following wording for FMS Article IV.

FMS Article IV. Revision of Budget and Program Plans (DECEMBER 2014)

Section A. Approved budget. The approved budget of this award:

1. Is the most recent version of the budget that you submitted, and we approved (either at the time of the initial award or a more recent amendment), to summarize planned expenditures for project or program purposes.

2. Includes all Federal funding that we make available to you under this award to use for project or program purposes and any cost sharing or matching that you are required to provide under this award for those same purposes.

Section B. Revisions requiring prior approval.

1. Non-construction activities. You must request prior approval from us for any of the following program or budget revisions in non-construction activities:

a. A change in the scope or objective of the project or program under this award, even if there is no associated budget revision that requires our prior approval.

b. A change in a key person identified in the award cover pages.

c. The approved principal investigator's or project director's disengagement from the project for more than three months, or a 25 percent reduction in his or her time devoted to the project.

d. The inclusion of direct costs that require prior approval in accordance with the applicable cost principles, as identified in FMS Article III.

e. The transfer to other categories of expense of funds included in the approved budget for participant support costs, as defined at 2 CFR 200.75.

f. A subaward to another entity under which it will perform a portion of the substantive project or program under the award, if it was not included in the approved budget. This does not apply to your contracts for acquisition of supplies, equipment, or general support services you need to carry out the project or program.

g. Any change in the cost sharing or matching you provide under the award, as included in the approved budget, for which FMS Article VI requires prior approval.

h. A transfer of funds among direct cost categories or programs, functions, and activities, if the Federal share of the total value for your award exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold and the cumulative amount of the transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10 percent of the approved budget.

i. The need arises for additional Federal funds to complete the project or program.

2. Construction activities. You must request prior approval from us for any of the following program or budget revisions in construction activities:

a. A change in the scope or objective of the project or program under this award, even if there is no associated budget revision that requires our prior approval.

b. The need arises for additional Federal funds to complete the project or program.

c. The inclusion of direct costs that require prior approval in accordance with the applicable cost principles, as identified in FMS Article III.

3. Funding transfers between construction and non-construction activities. [Reserved]

Section C. Pre-award costs, carry forward of unobligated balances, and one-time no-cost extensions. You are authorized, without requesting prior approval from us, to:

1. Charge to this award after you receive it pre-award costs that you incurred, at your own risk, up to 90 calendar days before the start date of the period of performance, as long as they are costs that would be allowable charges to the project or program under the terms and conditions of FMS Article III if they were incurred during the period of performance.

2. Carry forward an unobligated balance to a subsequent period of performance under this award.

3. Initiate a one-time extension of the period of performance by up to 12 months, as long as:

a. You notify us in writing with the supporting reasons and revised end date of the period of performance at least 10 calendar days before the current end date.

b. The extension does not require any additional Federal funding.

c. The extension does not involve any change in the scope or objectives of the project or program.

Section D. Procedures.

1. We will review each request you submit for prior approval for a budget or program change and, within 30 calendar days of our receipt of your request, we will respond to you in writing to either:

a. Notify you whether your request is approved; or

b. Inform you that we still are considering the request, in which case we will let you know when you may expect our decision.

2. [Reserved]