2 CFR Subpart B - Subpart B—Definitions

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  1. § 1108.10 Acquire.
  2. § 1108.15 Acquisition.
  3. § 1108.20 Acquisition cost.
  4. § 1108.25 Administrative offset.
  5. § 1108.30 Advance payment.
  6. § 1108.35 Advanced research.
  7. § 1108.40 Agreements officer.
  8. § 1108.45 Applied research.
  9. § 1108.50 Approved budget.
  10. § 1108.55 Assistance.
  11. § 1108.60 Award.
  12. § 1108.65 Award administration office.
  13. § 1108.70 Basic research.
  14. § 1108.75 Capital asset.
  15. § 1108.80 Claim.
  16. § 1108.85 Cognizant agency for indirect costs.
  17. § 1108.90 Contract.
  18. § 1108.95 Contracting activity.
  19. § 1108.100 Contracting officer.
  20. § 1108.105 Contractor.
  21. § 1108.110 Cooperative agreement.
  22. § 1108.115 Co-principal investigator.
  23. § 1108.120 Cost allocation plan.
  24. § 1108.125 Cost sharing or matching.
  25. § 1108.128 Cost type award.
  26. § 1108.130 Cost-type contract.
  27. § 1108.135 Cost-type subaward.
  28. § 1108.140 Debarment.
  29. § 1108.145 Debt.
  30. § 1108.150 Delinquent debt.
  31. § 1108.155 Development.
  32. § 1108.160 Direct costs.
  33. § 1108.165 DoD Components.
  34. § 1108.170 Equipment.
  35. § 1108.175 Exempt property.
  36. § 1108.180 Expenditures.
  37. § 1108.185 Federal interest.
  38. § 1108.190 Federal share.
  39. § 1108.195 Fixed-amount award.
  40. § 1108.200 Fixed-amount subaward.
  41. § 1108.205 Foreign organization.
  42. § 1108.210 Foreign public entity.
  43. § 1108.215 Grant.
  44. § 1108.220 Grants officer.
  45. § 1108.225 Indian tribe.
  46. § 1108.230 Indirect costs (also known as “Facilities and Administrative,” or F&A, costs).
  47. § 1108.235 Institution of higher education.
  48. § 1108.240 Intangible property.
  49. § 1108.245 Local government.
  50. § 1108.250 Management decision.
  51. § 1108.255 Nonprocurement instrument.
  52. § 1108.260 Nonprofit organization.
  53. § 1108.265 Obligation.
  54. § 1108.270 Office of Management and Budget.
  55. § 1108.275 Outlays.
  56. § 1108.280 Participant support costs.
  57. § 1108.285 Period of performance.
  58. § 1108.290 Personal property.
  59. § 1108.295 Principal investigator.
  60. § 1108.298 Prior approval.
  61. § 1108.300 Procurement contract.
  62. § 1108.305 Procurement transaction.
  63. § 1108.310 Program income.
  64. § 1108.315 Project costs.
  65. § 1108.320 Property.
  66. § 1108.325 Real property.
  67. § 1108.330 Recipient.
  68. § 1108.335 Research.
  69. § 1108.340 Simplified acquisition threshold.
  70. § 1108.345 Small award.
  71. § 1108.350 State.
  72. § 1108.355 Subaward.
  73. § 1108.360 Subrecipient.
  74. § 1108.365 Supplies.
  75. § 1108.370 Suspension.
  76. § 1108.375 Technology investment agreement.
  77. § 1108.380 Termination.
  78. § 1108.385 Third-party in-kind contribution.
  79. § 1108.390 Total value.
  80. § 1108.395 Unique entity identifier.
  81. § 1108.400 Unobligated balance.
  82. § 1108.405 Voluntary (committed or uncommitted) cost sharing.
  83. § 1108.410 Working capital advance.
  84. Appendix A to Part 1108—Background on Assistance, Acquisition, and Terms for Types of Legal Instruments