20 CFR § 667.105 - What award document authorizes the expenditure of Workforce Investment Act funds under title I of the Act?

§ 667.105 What award document authorizes the expenditure of Workforce Investment Act funds under title I of the Act?

(a) Agreement. All WIA title I funds that are awarded by grant, contract or cooperative agreement are issued under an agreement between the Grant Officer/Contracting Officer and the recipient. The agreement describes the terms and conditions applicable to the award of WIA title I funds.

(b) Grant funds awarded to States. Under the Governor/Secretary Agreement described in § 667.110, each program year, the grant agreement described in paragraph (a) of this section will be executed and signed by the Governor or the Governor's designated representative and Secretary or the Grant Officer. The grant agreement and associated Notices of Obligation are the basis for Federal obligation of funds allotted to the States in accordance with WIA sections 127(b) and 132(b) for each program year.

(c) Indian and Native American Programs.

(1) Awards of grants, contracts or cooperative agreements for the WIA Indian and Native American program will be made to eligible entities on a competitive basis every two program years for a two-year period, in accordance with the provisions of 20 CFR part 668. An award for the succeeding two-year period may be made to the same recipient on a non-competitive basis if the recipient:

(i) Has performed satisfactorily; and

(ii) Submits a satisfactory two-year program plan for the succeeding two-year grant, contract or agreement period.

(2) A grant, contract or cooperative agreement may be renewed under the authority of paragraph (c)(1) of this section no more than once during any four-year period for any single recipient.

(d) National Farmworker Jobs programs.

(1) Awards of grants or contracts for the National Farmworker Jobs program will be made to eligible entities on a competitive basis every two program years for a two-year period, in accordance with the provisions of 20 CFR part 669. An award for the succeeding two-year period may be made to the same recipient if the recipient:

(i) Has performed satisfactorily; and

(ii) Submits a satisfactory two-year program plan for the succeeding two-year period.

(2) A grant or contract may be renewed under the authority of paragraph (d)(1) of this section no more than once during any four-year period for any single recipient.

(e) Job Corps.

(1) Awards of contracts will be made on a competitive basis between the Contracting Officer and eligible entities to operate contract centers and provide operational support services.

(2) The Secretary may enter into interagency agreements with Federal agencies for funding, establishment, and operation of Civilian Conservation Centers for Job Corps programs.

(f) [Reserved]

(g) Awards under WIA sections 171 and 172.

(1) Awards of grants, contracts or cooperative agreements will be made to eligible entities for programs or activities authorized under WIA sections 171 or 172. These funds are for:

(i) Demonstration;

(ii) Pilot;

(iii) Multi-service;

(iv) Research;

(v) Multi-State projects; and

(vi) Evaluations

(2) Grants and contracts under paragraphs (g)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section will be awarded on a competitive basis, except that a noncompetitive award may be made in the case of a project that is funded jointly with other public or private entities that provide a portion of the funding.

(3) Contracts and grants under paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section in amounts that exceed $100,000 will be awarded on a competitive basis, except that a noncompetitive award may be made in the case of a project that is funded jointly with other public or private sector entities that provide a substantial portion of the assistance under the grant or contract for the project.

(4) Grants or contracts for carrying out projects in paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section may not be awarded to the same organization for more than three consecutive years, unless the project is competitively reevaluated within that period.

(5) Entities with nationally recognized expertise in the methods, techniques and knowledge of workforce investment activities will be provided priority in awarding contracts or grants for the projects under paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section.

(6) A peer review process will be used for projects under paragraphs (g)(1)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section for grants that exceed $500,000, and to designate exemplary and promising programs.

(h) Termination. Each grant terminates when the period of fund availability has expired. The grant must be closed in accordance with the closeout provisions at 29 CFR 95.71 or 97.50, as appropriate.

[65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 35525, June 21, 2006]