20 CFR § 672.210 - How are eligible entities selected to receive grant funds?

§ 672.210 How are eligible entities selected to receive grant funds?

In order to receive funds under the YouthBuild program, an eligible entity applying for funds (applicant) must meet selection criteria established by the Secretary which include:

(a) The qualifications or potential capabilities of an applicant;

(b) An applicant's potential to develop a successful YouthBuild program;

(c) The need for an applicant's proposed program, as determined by the degree of economic distress of the community from which participants would be recruited (measured by indicators such as poverty, youth unemployment, and the number of individuals who have dropped out of secondary school) and of the community in which the housing and public facilities proposed to be rehabilitated or constructed are located (measured by indicators such as incidence of homelessness, shortage of affordable housing, and poverty);

(d) The commitment of an applicant to provide skills training, leadership development, counseling and case management, and education to participants;

(e) The focus of a proposed program on preparing youth for postsecondary education and training opportunities or local in-demand occupations;

(f) The extent of an applicant's coordination of activities to be carried out through the proposed program with:

(1) Local boards, One-Stop Career Center operators, and One-Stop partners participating in the operation of the One-Stop delivery system involved, or the extent of the applicant's good faith efforts, as determined by the Secretary, in achieving such coordination;

(2) Public education, criminal justice, housing and community development, national service, or postsecondary education or other systems that relate to the goals of the proposed program; and

(3) Employers in the local area.

(g) The extent to which a proposed program provides for inclusion of tenants who were previously homeless individuals or families in the rental of housing provided through the program;

(h) The commitment of additional resources to the proposed program (in addition to the funds made available through the grant) by:

(1) An applicant;

(2) Recipients of other Federal, State, or local housing and community development assistance who will sponsor any part of the rehabilitation, construction, operation and maintenance, or other housing and community development activities undertaken as part of the proposed program; or

(3) Entities carrying out other Federal, State, or local activities or activities conducted by Indian tribes, including vocational education programs, adult and language instruction educational programs, and job training using funds provided under WIA,

(i) An applicant's ability to enter partnerships with:

(1) Education and training providers including:

(i) The kindergarten through twelfth grade educational system;

(ii) Adult education programs;

(iii) Community and technical colleges;

(iv) Four-year colleges and universities;

(v) Registered apprenticeship programs; and

(vi) Other training entities.

(2) Employers, including professional organizations and associations. An applicant will be evaluated on the extent to which employers participate in:

(i) Defining the program strategy and goals;

(ii) Identifying needed skills and competencies;

(iii) Designing training approaches and curricula;

(iv) Contributing financial support; and

(v) Hiring qualified YouthBuild graduates.

(3) The workforce investment system which may include:

(i) State and local workforce investment boards;

(ii) State workforce agencies; and

(iii) One-Stop Career Centers and their cooperating partners.

(4) The juvenile and adult justice systems, and the extent to which they provide:

(i) Support and guidance for YouthBuild participants with court involvement;

(ii) Assistance in the reporting of recidivism rates among YouthBuild participants; and

(iii) Referrals of eligible participants through diversion or re-entry from incarceration.

(5) Faith-based and community organizations, and the extent to which they provide a variety of grant services such as:

(i) Case management;

(ii) Mentoring;

(iii) English as a Second Language courses; and

(iv) Other comprehensive supportive services, when appropriate.

(j) The applicant's potential to serve different regions, including rural areas and States that may not have previously received grants for YouthBuild programs; and

(k) Such other factors as the Secretary determines to be appropriate for purposes of evaluating an applicant's potential to carry out the proposed program in an effective and efficient manner.

(l) The weight to be given to these factors will be described in the SGA issued under § 672.205.