21 CFR § 310.103 - New drug substances intended for hypersensitivity testing.

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§ 310.103 New drug substances intended for hypersensitivity testing.

(a) The Food and Drug Administration is aware of the need in the practice of medicine for the ingredients of a new drug to be available for tests of hypersensitivity to such ingredients and therefore will not object to the shipment of a new drug substance, as defined in § 310.3(g), for such purpose if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The shipment is made as a result of a specific request made to the manufacturer or distributor by a practitioner licensed by law to administer such drugs, and the use of such drugs for patch testing is not promoted by the manufacturer or distributor.

(2) The new drug substance requested is an ingredient in a marketed new drug and is not one that is an ingredient solely in a new drug that is legally available only under the investigational drug provisions of this part.

(3) The label bears the following prominently placed statements in lieu of adequate directions for use and in addition to complying with the other labeling provisions of the act:

(i) “Rx only”; and

(ii) “For use only in patch testing”.

(4) The quantity shipped is limited to an amount reasonable for the purpose of patch testing in the normal course of the practice of medicine and is used solely for such patch testing.

(5) The new drug substance is manufactured by the same procedures and meets the same specifications as the component used in the finished dosage form.

(6) The manufacturer or distributor maintains records of all shipments for this purpose for a period of 2 years after shipment and will make them available to the Food and Drug Administration on request.

(b) When the requested new drug substance is intended for investigational use in humans or the substance is legally available only under the investigational drug provisions of part 312 of this chapter, the submission of an “Investigational New Drug Application” (IND) is required. The Food and Drug Administration will offer assistance to any practitioner wishing to submit an Investigational New Drug Application.

(c) This section does not apply to drugs or their components that are subject to the licensing requirements of the Public Health Service Act of 1944, as amended. (See subchapter F—Biologics, of this chapter.)

[39 FR 11680, Mar. 29, 1974, as amended at 55 FR 11578, Mar. 29, 1990; 67 FR 4907, Feb. 1, 2002]