22 CFR § 707.24 - Requests for an accounting of record disclosures.

§ 707.24 Requests for an accounting of record disclosures.

(a) How to submit. Unless an accounting of disclosures is not required to be kept under paragraph (e) of this section, an individual may request an accounting of all disclosures DFC has made of a record, maintained in a system of records and about the individual, to another person, organization, or agency. The request must be in writing, labeled “Privacy Act Request,” and should be addressed to the Director of Human Resources Management. The request may either be mailed to DFC or delivered to the receptionist at 1100 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20527, during regular business hours, between 8:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays. The request will be considered received when actually delivered to or, if mailed, when it is actually received by the Director of Human Resources Management.

(b) Information to include. All requests under this section must:

(1) Be in writing and be signed by the requester. Unless the requester is a current officer or employee of DFC, the letter must also be duly acknowledged before a notary public or other authorized public official or signed under 28 U.S.C. 1746, a law that permits statements to be made under penalty of perjury as a substitute for notarization;

(2) Provide information sufficient to verify the identity of the requester, including the requester's full name, current address, date of birth, place of birth, or the system of record identification name or number. Also include a clearly legible copy of a valid form of identification. If the request is being made by a parent or guardian on behalf of another, also include the same information for the individual who is the subject of the request along with a court order, birth certificate, or similar document proving the guardianship. DFC will review the sufficiency of identity evidence under paragraph (c) of this section;

(3) Provide information sufficient to accurately identify the records or information so that DFC staff can locate the records with a reasonable amount of effort. At minimum this should include the full name, the system of record identification name, or the system record identification number for the individual who is the subject of the records and the name for each system that you believe the record is located in. Provision of a social security number is optional. If possible, you should also include a description of the records and provide a time range. A description of DFC's system of records can be located in the “Privacy Act Compilation” published by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register. Each system of records is also published in the Federal Register;

(4) Include an agreement to pay fees or an agreement to pay fees up to a specified amount under § 707.27. A request that does not include an agreement to pay fees will be considered an agreement to pay fees up to $25.00.

(c) Verification of identity. Prior to providing any requested information about an individual, the Director of Human Resources Management shall verify the identity of the requesting individual. If the requester is acting as the guardian of the individual who is the subject of the records, the Director will also verify the identity of the individual who is the subject of the records, the relationship between the requester and the subject individual, and that the requester is acting on behalf of the subject individual. In order to verify identity, the Director shall require the individual to provide reasonable proof of identity such as a valid driver's license, identification card, passport, employee identification card, or any other identifying information. The Director shall deny any request where she determines, at her sole discretion, that the evidence offered to verify the identity of an individual is insufficient to conclusively establish the identity of the individual.

(d) Determination. The Director of Human Resources Management will provide a requester with one of the following:

(1) Provision of accounting of disclosures. If the request is granted, the Director of Human Resources Management will provide the individual with an accounting containing the date, nature, and purpose of each disclosure, as well as the name and address of the person, organization, or agency to which the disclosure was made.

(2) Denial. The Director of Human Resources Management will notify the individual in writing if she denies any portion of a request made under this section. The denial will include a brief explanation of the reason for the refusal and the right of the individual to request a review thereof under the provisions of § 707.25.

(e) Disclosures where an accounting of disclosures is not required. DFC need not provide an accounting of disclosures where:

(1) The disclosures are of the type for which accountings are not kept. For example, disclosures made to employees within the agency; or

(2) The disclosure was made in response to a written request from a law enforcement agency for authorized law enforcement purposes.