23 CFR § 810.106 - Approval of fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities.

§ 810.106 Approval of fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities.

(a) In approving fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities, the Federal Highway Administrator:

(1) Shall make a determination that the proposed parking facility will benefit the Federal-aid systems by improving its traffic capacity for the movement of persons;

(2) May approve acquisition of land proximate to the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway;

(3) May approve construction of publicly-owned parking facilities on land within the right-of-way of any Federal-aid highway, including the use of the airspace above and below the established gradeline of the highway pavement, and on land, acquired with or without Federal-aid funds which is not within the right-of-way of any Federal-aid highway but which was acquired in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1894, 42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.);

(4) May permit the charging of fees for the use of the facility, except that the rate of the fee shall not be in excess of that required for maintenance and operation and the cost of providing shuttle service to and from the facility (including compensation to any person for operating such facility and for providing such shuttle service);

(5) Shall determine that the State, or the political subdivision thereof, where the project is to be located, or any agency or instrumentality of such State or political subdivision, has the authority and capability of constructing, maintaining, and operating the facility.

(6) Shall receive assurance from the State that the facility will remain in public ownershp as long as the facility is needed and that any change in ownership shall have prior FHWA approval;

(7) Shall enter into an agreement with the State, political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality governing the financing, maintenance, and operation of the parking facility; and

(8) Shall approve design standards for constructing the facility as developed in cooperation with the State highway agency.

(b) A State political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof may contract with any person to operate any parking facility constructed under this section.

(c) In authorizing projects involving fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities, the class of Federal-aid funds (primary, secondary, or urban system) used for projects under this subpart may be either funds designated for the Federal-aid system on which the facility is located or the Federal-aid system substantially benefited. For Interstate funds to be used for such eligible projects the Federal-aid Interstate system must be the system which substantially benefits. The benefiting system is that system which would have otherwise carried the high occupancy vehicle or rail passengers to their destination. Interstate construction funds may be used only where the parking facility was approved in the 1981 Interstate Cost Estimate and is constructed in conjunction with a high occupancy vehicle lane approved in the 1981 Interstate Cost Estimate.