24 CFR § 578.97 - Program income.

§ 578.97 Program income.

(a) Defined. Program income is the income received by the recipient or subrecipient directly generated by a grant-supported activity.

(b) Use. Program income earned during the grant term shall be retained by the recipient, and added to funds committed to the project by HUD and the recipient, used for eligible activities in accordance with the requirements of this part. Costs incident to the generation of program income may be deducted from gross income to calculate program income, provided that the costs have not been charged to grant funds.

(c) Rent and occupancy charges. Rents and occupancy charges collected from program participants are program income. In addition, rents and occupancy charges collected from residents of transitional housing may be reserved, in whole or in part, to assist the residents from whom they are collected to move to permanent housing.