24 CFR § 943.150 - What procurement standards apply to a PHA's joint venture partner?

§ 943.150 What procurement standards apply to a PHA's joint venture partner?

(a) General. A joint venture partner is not a grantee or subgrantee and, accordingly, is not required to comply with 2 CFR part 200 in its procurement of goods and services under this part. The partner must comply with all applicable State and local procurement and conflict of interest requirements with respect to its selection of entities to assist in PHA program administration.

(b) Exception. If the joint venture partner is a subsidiary, affiliate, or identity of interest party of the PHA, it is subject to the requirements of 2 CFR part 200 of this title. HUD may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt such a joint venture partner from the need to comply with requirements under 2 CFR part 200 of this title if HUD determines that the joint venture has developed an acceptable alternative procurement plan.

(c) Contracting with identity-of-interest parties. A joint venture partner may contract with an identity-of-interest party for goods or services, or a party specified in the selected bidder's response to a RFP or RFQ (as applicable), without the need for further procurement if:

(1) The PHA can demonstrate that its original competitive selection of the partner clearly anticipated the later provision of such goods or services;

(2) Compensation of all identity-of-interest parties is structured to ensure there is no duplication of profit or expenses; and

(3) The PHA can demonstrate that its selection is reasonable based upon prevailing market costs and standards, and that the quality and timeliness of the goods or services is comparable to that available in the open market. For purposes of this paragraph (c), an “identity-of-interest party” means a party that is wholly owned or controlled by, or that is otherwise affiliated with, the partner or the PHA. The PHA may use an independent organization experienced in cost valuation to determine the cost reasonableness of the proposed contracts.

[65 FR 71207, Nov. 29, 2000, as amended at 80 FR 75942, Dec. 7, 2015]