24 CFR § 945.205 - Designated housing for disabled families.

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§ 945.205 Designated housing for disabled families.

(a) General.

(1) In general, HUD will approve designated projects for disabled families only if there is a clear demonstration that there is both a need and a demand by disabled families for such designation. In the absence of such demonstrated need and demand, PHAs should provide for the housing needs of disabled families in the most integrated setting possible.

(2) To designate a project for disabled families, a PHA must submit the allocation plan required by § 945.203 and the supportive service plan described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(3) In its allocation plan,

(i) The PHA may not designate a project for persons with a specific disability;

(ii) The designated project does not have to be made up of contiguous units. PHAs are encouraged to place the units in the project, whether contiguous or not, in the most integrated setting possible.

(4) The consultation process for the allocation plan provided in § 945.203(b) and consultation process for the supportive service plan provided in this section may occur concurrently.

(5) If the PHA conducts surveys to determine the need or demand for a designated project for disabled families or for supportive services in such project, the PHA must protect the confidentiality of the survey responses.

(b) Supportive Service Plan. The plan shall describe how the PHA will provide or arrange for the provision of the appropriate supportive services requested by the disabled families who will occupy the designated housing and who have expressed a need for these services.

(1) Contents of plan. The supportive service plan, at a minimum, must:

(i) Identify the number of disabled families who need the supportive services and who have expressed an interest in receiving them;

(ii) Describe the types of supportive services that will be provided, and, if known, the length of time the supportive services will be available;

(iii) Identify each service provider to be utilized, and describe the experience of the service provider in delivering supportive services;

(iv) Describe how the supportive services will be provided to the disabled families that the designated housing is expected to serve (how the services will be provided depends upon the type of service offered; e.g., if the package includes transportation assistance, how transportation assistance will be provided to disabled families);

(v) Identify all sources of funding upon which the PHA is relying to deliver supportive services to residents of the designated housing for disabled families, or the supportive service resources to be provided in lieu of funding;

(vi) Submit evidence of a specific contractual commitment or commitments provided to the PHA by the sources identified in paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section to make funds available for supportive services, or the delivery of supportive services available to the PHA for at least two calendar years;

(vii) Identify any public and private service providers, advocates for the interests of designated housing families, and other interested parties with whom the PHA consulted in the development of this supportive service plan, and summarize the comments and recommendations made by these parties. (These comments must be maintained for a period of five years, and be available for review by HUD as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(vii) of this section.);

(viii) If applicable, address the need for residential supervision of disabled families (on-site supervision within the designated housing) and how this supervision is to be provided;

(ix) Include any other information that the PHA determines would assist HUD in assessing the suitability of the PHA's supportive service plan; and

(x) Include any additional information that HUD may request, and which is appropriate to a determination of the suitability of the supportive service plan.

(2) Public review and comment on the supportive service plan. In preparing the initial supportive service plan, or any update of the supportive service plan, the PHA shall:

(i) Issue public notices regarding its intention to provide supportive services to designated housing for disabled families and the availability of the draft supportive service plan;

(ii) Send notices directly to interested individuals and agencies that have contacted the PHA and have expressed an interest in the supportive service plan, and to parties specified in paragraph (b)(1)(vii) of this section;

(iii) Allow not less than 30 days for public comment on the supportive service plan;

(iv) Make free copies of the draft plan available upon request, and in accessible format, when appropriate;

(v) Conduct at least one public meeting regarding the supportive service plan;

(vi) Give fair consideration to all comments received; and

(vii) Retain any records of the public meetings held on the supportive service plan, and any written comments received on the supportive service plan for a period of five years, from the date of submission of the supportive service plan. These records must be available for review by HUD.

(c) Approval. HUD shall approve designated housing for disabled families if the allocation plan meets the requirements of § 945.203, including demonstrating both a need and a demand for designated housing for disabled families, and if HUD determines on the basis of the information provided in the supportive service plan that:

(1) There is a sufficient number of persons with disabilities who have expressed an interest in occupying a designated project for disabled families, and who have expressed a need and demand for the supportive services that will be provided;

(2) The supportive services are adequately designed to meet the needs of the disabled families who have indicated a desire for them;

(3) The service provider has current or past experience administering an effective supportive service delivery program for persons with disabilities;

(4) If residential supervision is required, a written commitment to provide this supervision in the designated housing.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0192)