24 CFR § 983.302 - Redetermination of rent to owner.

§ 983.302 Redetermination of rent to owner.

(a) Requirement to redetermine the rent to owner. The PHA must redetermine the rent to owner:

(1) When there is a 10 percent decrease in the published FMR;

(2) Upon the owner's request consistent with requirements established in the PHA's Administrative Plan. The Administrative Plan must specify any advance notice the owner must give the PHA and the form the request must take; or

(3) At the time of the automatic adjustment by an operating cost adjustment factor (OCAF) in accordance with paragraph (b)(3).

(b) Rent increase.

(1) An owner may receive an increase in the rent to owner during the term of a HAP contract. Any such increase will go into effect at the annual anniversary of the HAP contract. (Provisions for special adjustments of contract rent pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1437f(c)(2)(B) do not apply to the voucher program.)

(2) A rent increase may occur through automatic adjustment by an operating cost adjustment factor (OCAF) or as the result of an owner request for such an increase. A rent increase as the result of an owner request must be determined by the PHA pursuant to § 983.301(b) or (c), as applicable. A rent increase through an adjustment by an OCAF is likewise subject to § 983.301(b) or (c), as applicable, except there is no rent request by the owner to take into account since the PHA redetermines the rent automatically under that option.

(3) By agreement of the parties, the HAP contract may provide for rent adjustments using an operating cost adjustment factor (OCAF) established by the Secretary pursuant to Section 524(c) of the Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Affordability Act of 1997 at each annual anniversary of the HAP contract. OCAFs are established by the Secretary and published annually in the Federal Register. The provisions in the following paragraphs apply to a contract that provides for rent adjustments using an OCAF:

(i) The contract may require an additional increase up to an amount determined by the PHA pursuant to § 983.301(b) or (c), as applicable, if requested by the owner in writing, periodically during the term of the contract.

(ii) The contract shall require an additional increase up to an amount determined by the PHA pursuant to § 983.301(b) or (c), as applicable, at the point of contract extension, if requested by the owner in writing.

(4) If the HAP contract does not provide for automatic adjustment by an OCAF, then an owner who wishes to receive an increase in the rent to owner must request such an increase at the annual anniversary of the HAP contract by written notice to the PHA.

(5) The PHA must establish the length of the required notice period for any rent increase that requires a written request from the owner. The written request must be submitted as required by the PHA (e.g., to a particular mailing address or email address).

(6) The PHA may not approve and the owner may not receive any increase of rent to owner until and unless the owner has complied with all requirements of the HAP contract, including compliance with the HQS (except that HQS compliance is not required for purposes of this provision for units undergoing development activity that complies with § 983.157 or substantial improvement that complies with § 983.212). The owner may not receive any retroactive increase of rent for any period of noncompliance.

(c) Rent decrease.

(1) If the HAP contract provides for rent adjustments by an OCAF and there is a decrease in the fair market rent, tax credit rent, or reasonable rent that requires a decrease to the rent to owner (see paragraph (b)(2)), the rent to owner must be decreased. If the HAP contract does not provide for adjustment by an OCAF and there is a decrease in the rent to owner, as established in accordance with § 983.301, the rent to owner must be decreased, regardless of whether the owner requests a rent adjustment.

(2) At any time during the term of the HAP contract, the PHA may elect within the HAP contract to not reduce rents below the initial rent to owner. Where a PHA makes such an election, the rent to owner shall not be reduced below the initial rent to owner, except:

(i) To correct errors in calculations in accordance with HUD requirements;

(ii) If additional housing assistance has been combined with PBV assistance after the execution of the initial HAP contract and a rent decrease is required pursuant to § 983.153(b); or

(iii) If a decrease in rent to owner is required based on changes in the allocation of responsibility for utilities between the owner and the tenant.

(d) Notice of change in rent to owner. Whenever there is a change in rent to owner, the PHA must provide written notice to the owner specifying the amount of the new rent to owner (as determined in accordance with §§ 983.301 and 983.302). The PHA notice of the rent change in rent to owner constitutes an amendment of the rent to owner specified in the HAP contract.

(e) Contract year and annual anniversary of the HAP contract.

(1) The contract year is the period of 12 calendar months preceding each annual anniversary of the HAP contract during the HAP contract term. The initial contract year is calculated from the first day of the first calendar month of the HAP contract term.

(2) The annual anniversary of the HAP contract is the first day of the first calendar month after the end of the preceding contract year. The adjusted rent to owner amount applies for the period of 12 calendar months from the annual anniversary of the HAP contract.

(3) The annual anniversary of the HAP contract for contract units completed in stages must follow § 983.207(g).

[89 FR 38337, May 7, 2024]