24 CFR § 983.57 - PHA-owned units.

§ 983.57 PHA-owned units.

(a) Selection of PHA-owned units. The selection of PHA-owned units must be done in accordance with § 983.51(h).

(b) Independent entity functions. In connection with PHA-owned units:

(1) The independent entity must determine rent to owner, including rent reasonableness and calculating any rent adjustments by an OCAF (where applicable), in accordance with §§ 983.301 through 983.305.

(2) The independent entity must perform unit inspections in accordance with § 983.103(g).

(3) When the owner carries out development activity under § 983.152 or substantial improvement under §§ 983.207(d) or 983.212, the independent entity must review the evidence and work completion certification submitted by the owner in accordance with § 983.155(b) and determine if the units are complete in accordance with § 983.156.

(4) The independent entity must determine whether to approve substantial improvement to units under a HAP contract in accordance with § 983.212.

(c) Payment to independent entity. The PHA may compensate the independent entity from PHA administrative fees (including fees credited to the administrative fee reserve) for the services performed by the independent entity. The PHA may not use other program receipts to compensate the independent entity for such services. The PHA and the independent entity may not charge the family any fee or charge for the services provided by the independent entity.