24 CFR § 984.104 - Basic requirements of the FSS program.

§ 984.104 Basic requirements of the FSS program.

(a) An FSS program established under this part shall be operated in conformity with the requirements of this part, including the Action Plan at § 984.201, and:

(1) As applicable to voucher program participants:

(i) HCV regulations at 24 CFR part 982, for HCV program participants; and

(ii) Project-based voucher (PBV) regulations at 24 CFR part 983, for PBV program participants; and

(iii) HCV Homeownership regulations at 24 CFR 982.625 through 982.643, for HCV homeownership participants;

(2) As applicable to Mod Rehab and Mod Rehab SRO participants, 24 CFR part 882;

(3) As applicable to public housing program participants, the applicable public housing regulations, including the regulations in 24 CFR parts 5, subpart F, 960, and 966; and,

(4) The applicable nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements including, but not limited to, those set forth in 24 CFR part 5.

(b) [Reserved]