25 CFR § 117.1 - Definitions.

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§ 117.1 Definitions.

When used in the regulations in this part the following words or terms shall have the meaning shown below:

(a) Secretary means the Secretary of the Interior or his authorized representative.

(b) Commissioner means the Commissioner of Indian Affairs or his authorized representative.

(c) Superintendent means the superintendent of the Osage Agency.

(d) Quarterly payment means the payment of not to exceed $1,000 which is made each fiscal quarter to or on behalf of an adult Indian, from the following sources:

(1) The pro rata distribution of tribal mineral income and other tribal revenues.

(2) The interest on segregated trust funds.

(3) Surplus funds in addition to the income from the foregoing sources in the amount necessary to aggregate $1,000 when the income from those sources is less than $1,000 and the Indian has a balance of accumulated surplus funds in excess of $10,000.

(e) Surplus funds means all those moneys and securities readily convertible into cash, except allowance funds and segregated trust funds, which are held to the credit of an Indian at the Osage Agency and which may be disbursed, expended or invested only upon authorization by the Secretary. The term includes:

(1) That portion of the quarterly distribution of tribal income and interest on segregated trust funds, in excess of $1,000, belonging to an adult Indian.

(2) The proceeds, including appreciation, of the sale or conversion of restricted real or personal property (other than partition sales).

(3) Payments made by insurance companies or others for loss or damage to restricted real or personal property.

(4) All moneys and securities, other than segregated trust funds, to the credit of an Indian who is less than 21 years of age (except the income from restricted lands payable as provided by § 117.3).

(5) Funds and securities placed to the credit of an Indian upon the distribution of an Osage estate.

(f) Allowance funds means that income payable to or on behalf of a living adult Indian, the expenditure and disbursement of which is not subject to supervision unless authorized pursuant to the procedure contained in § 117.5. The term includes:

(1) The quarterly payment in an amount not to exceed $1,000.

(2) The rentals and income from restricted lands owned by the Indian.

(3) The rentals and income from restricted lands owned by the minor children of the Indian, as provided in § 117.3.

(4) Income from investments.

(5) Interest on deposits to the credit of the Indian.

(g) Segregated trust funds means those moneys held in the United States Treasury at interest to the credit of an Indian which represent pro rata shares of the segregation of tribal trust funds and the proceeds of the partition of restricted lands.