25 CFR § 212.33 - Terms applying after relinquishment.

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§ 212.33 Terms applying after relinquishment.

All leases for individual Indian lands approved by the Secretary under this part shall contain provisions for the relinquishment of supervision and provide for operations of the lease after such relinquishment. These leases shall contain provisions that address the following issues:

(a) Provisions of relinquishment. If the Secretary relinquishes supervision at any time during the life of the lease instrument as to all or part of the acreage subject to the lease, the Secretary shall give the Indian mineral owner and the lessee thirty (30) days written notice prior to the termination of supervision. After notice of relinquishment has been given to the lessee, the lease shall be subject to the following conditions:

(1) All rentals and royalties thereafter accruing shall be paid directly to the lessor or the lessor's successors in title, or to a trustee appointed under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) If, at the time supervision is relinquished by the Secretary, the lessee has made all payments then due and has fully performed all obligations on the lessee's part to be performed up to the time of such relinquishment, the bond given to secure the performance of the lease, on file in the appropriate agency or area office, shall be of no further force or effect.

(3) Should relinquishment affect only part of the lease, then the lessee may continue to conduct operations on the land covered by the lease as an entirety; Provided, that the lessee shall pay, in the manner prescribed by the lease and regulations for the benefit of lessor, the same proportion of all rentals and royalties due under the provisions of this part as the acreage retained under the supervision of the Secretary bears to the entire acreage of the lessee, and shall pay the remainder of the rentals and royalties directly to the remaining lessors or successors in title or said trustee as the case may be, as provided in paragraph (a) (1) of this section.

(b) Division of fee. If, after the execution of the lease and after the Secretary relinquishes supervision thereof, the fee of the leased land is divided into separate parcels held by different owners, or if the rental or royalty interest is divided in ownership, the obligations of the lessee shall not be modified in any manner except as specifically provided by the provisions of the lease. Notwithstanding such separate ownership, the lessee may continue to conduct operations on said premises as an entirety. Each separate owner shall receive such proportion of all rental and royalties accruing after the vesting of its title as the acreage of the fee, or rental or royalty interest, bears to the entire acreage covered by the lease; or to the entire rental or royalty interest as the case may be. If at any time after departmental supervision of the lease is relinquished, in whole or in part, to rentals and royalties, whether said parties are so entitled by virtue of undivided interest or by virtue of ownership of separate parcels of the land covered, the lessee may elect to withhold the payment of further rentals or royalties (except as the portion due the Indian lessor while under restriction), until all of said parties shall agree upon and designate a trustee in writing and in a recordable instrument to receive all payments due thereunder on behalf of said parties and their respective successors in title. Payments to said trustee shall constitute lawful payments, and the sole risk of an improper or unlawful distribution of said funds by said trustee shall rest upon the parties naming said trustee and their said respective successors in title.