25 CFR § 41.33 - What if there isn't enough money to pay the full grant amount?

§ 41.33 What if there isn't enough money to pay the full grant amount?

This section applies if BIE has to reduce payments under § 41.29(c).

(a) If additional funds have not been appropriated to pay the full amount of grants under this part on or before June 1st of the year, the BIE will notify all grant recipients in writing. The Tribal college or university must submit a written report to the BIE on or before July 1st explaining how much of the grant money remains unspent.

(b) After receiving the Tribal college's or university's report under paragraph (a) of this section, BIE will:

(1) Reallocate the unspent funds using the formula in § 41.29 in proportion to the amount of assistance to which each grant recipient is entitled but has not received;

(2) Ensure that no Tribal college or university will receive more than the total annual cost of its education programs;

(3) Collect unspent funds as necessary for redistribution to other grantees under this section; and

(4) Make reallocation payments on or before August 1st of the academic year.